Tuesday, 26 July 2016

July and more: ???

Man, what is there to say about this July? Odd? Peculiar? I don't know the right words to use for this but I do know that this is most definitely Yahweh's doing. This month has been quite odd to say the least however not in a bad sense. Even as I write this I am still trying to grasp on what exactly happened or is going on in this current month. Many things have taken place and they range from one extreme yet to another. Should I be happy? Saddened? Angered? What I felt most from all of this month if I were to put it in word is: "Ok?"

From the highest point, Matthew Elijah Gabriel, 16 has given up the pursuits of the world and has come into the fold of the joys of service of the house of Yahweh. Praise Yahweh for him and his family for releasing and blessing him into such a calling as this that he and us are privileged to answer. Who else can really enjoy the presence of Elohim more than those who minister to Him from within His dwelling place? And from what I heard his sister, Melissa Gabriel, 13; also desires to come and serve Yahweh. Praise Elohim for them all. They are truly a boon unto me as now at last I shall soon be freed to join the 1st English service yet again. Hallelujah! It's just a matter of rising up in the Spirit now.

From the lowest: aunty Rebecca has gone home to be with the Lord Yeshua Messiah. But really can we actually call that a low point? She has finally been freed from all burdens, pains, sorrows, and whatnot and now she is before Elohim day and night serving and ministering to Him with the thousands of thousands of heaven together. The snares of this world cannot reach her and the temptations, trials, and tribulations from and by the enemy can no longer touch here. Even death cannot lay a claim to hear more so the fear of it because now she, together with Messiah are seated far above it all. Anyways, uncle Wilson and the family, Deon Phillip, 10; Philo Matthew, 9 are comforted. Nothing else to report on them for the moment other than that now it is indeed the time of rejoicing for them. The time of grief is long since past now (even though it only happened, like 5 days ago. Ahem!)

I underwent oppressions, depressions, travailings, temptations, warfare, cleansing and whatnot. Not to boast or brag because I have nothing to speak of relating to these things other than it is a time for me to draw nearer to Yahweh Elohim by the Spirit. Only problem is I didn't most of the times. And that really set me back. My mind is in a flurry and my stomach is churning. Even as I write this I am still trying to wrap my mind around this month. All I can say really is: Whaaaaaat?

Sigh, in the end it truly is Yahweh's plan and purpose for me. By His grace and mercy He has led me through and now the sky is beginning to clear up. Changes however minute are indeed taking place in my life and they are all good changes. However as aforementioned they are minute but I am confident that just like a mustard seed it shall become a mighty oak of transformative lifestyle for me in my walk with Yeshua. Here a little, there a little, add line upon line and soon the Word shall become a foundation so strong that nothing should move me ever again.

[Isa 28:10] For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

July was a conundrum but August holds promise. Oh Lord Yeshua I await for Your salvation!

-Wednesday, 27th July 2016, 10 months 20 days, 0404

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