Monday 26 December 2016

2016 and more - Much, much more

This is the last week of everything in the year of 2016. The last Sunday had past and now the last Monday of 2016 is already passing away. I am truly in awe at what Yahweh has wrought forth in and through me in this past year and now as we loom on the horizon of the new year I look back and truly I see the goodness of Yahweh upon my life. Honestly, of all the things that had occurred in this year I can't really recall most of it, only some of the ones that had the most significance and either were just recent. Weeks back, months back I don't really have a clue what happened. But this in itself is a blessing. I remember that I had once prayed to Elohim that inasmuch as all the good that He had wrought for me, the past is still past. I had no intention and desire to remember former things as the Bible had commanded because in Yeshua Messiah everyday and every moment is a new thing with and in Him. So I prayed that He would give me the gift to forget what has transpired and leave no recollection of it, whether they be good and bad memories I want neither. All I want is to look towards those things which are ahead and to look upwards. And by the grace of Elohim He answered my prayers.

Looking back in 2016, this year so much took place but in the end the real blessing was that I have known Yeshua and assuredly He knows me. Of all the gifts and blessings that I have received from Him this year, the greatest I suppose would be that I grew in not just the knowledge but the intimacy with Yeshua by the Holy Spirit. Above all, that is what is most important. Not the gifts to move in signs and wonders, the gifts of discerning of spirits, the gifts of wisdom and understanding of times; above all, the greatest of all is love and to know and love Him who first loved us. I am blessed, so very blessed. Sometimes we tend to focus so much on our problems and stumblings in our walk with Elohim to our own hurt but He has graciously directed my gaze and turned my eyes to look at Yeshua. In Him is perfection and as I continue to focus on Him I know and am being perfected. We have been cleansed and set free and sanctified of so much and yet we still desire even more cleansing to occur in our lives. Why do we not desire to be perfected? Inasmuch as it is the command of our Lord Yeshua Himself that we be perfect just as the Heavenly Father is perfect?

[Mat 5:48] Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

We settle so much for good when we should also accept the perfect gifts of Elohim which come from Him from above as well. Good is only second best to perfect and thus He has taught me to desire even more than what we ought to receive. He has taught me that because of Yeshua I can ask above what I ought to receive and I shall have it simply because of Yeshua Who lives in me that gives me complete entrance into the Holiest of All to see the Heavenly Father. I ask, I believe no matter what I may ask even if it seems impossible, I will receive it. And I have received so much because of that.

[Jas 1:17] Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

This year He taught me to claim what is rightfully mine, everything. Anything that I ask in the name of Yeshua Messiah He said He will make good of His promise to give and He has fulfilled His Word.

[Num 23:19] Elohim is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?

So He has given me plenty to rejoice over, not only to rejoice in the hope that I shall receive what I ask but to rejoice because He has given me the desires of my heart. That is two entirely different rejoicings altogether. We rejoice in what we have not yet receive but there is a fuller measure of joy and glory when we rejoice over what we have already been given.

[1Co 4:7-8] For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it? Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I wished indeed ye did reign, that we also might reign with you.

There is so much to give thanks for this year of 2016 but one of the highlights should be the time when Yahweh had given me the opportunity to visit His Holy Land. The city of the great King, Jerusalem. I remember that before I went I had purposed in my heart to receive not just a general breakthrough but one that would completely change my walk with Elohim forever. I went thus with the heart to meet with the great King of the city rather than to see the city in itself though it be beautiful. And I did and I was so blessed because of it. I found that it was in that trip that the eyes and ears were opened and that now by His grace and the leading of His Holy Spirit I can see and hear things differently and to be able to discern in a greater scope than before. Discernment was something that I was zealously after before because I knew that without it I will just be taking in everything everyone says to my own hurt and disadvantage. Without the gift of discernment I will just be a fool and a blind man who does not know the way the Spirit is leading and directing us individually and corporately as the body of Messiah. I would just flow and if I just keep flowing with everything I would one day find myself being crushed to powder by the Rock on Whom I stand. So it was in Israel that the Holy Spirit gave me a full on course of discerning what is from Him, what is from the enemy, and what is from ourselves. Though it caused much offenses to say the least, it gave me the greatest joy to see and know for myself that my walk with Yeshua is actually going somewhere and not in circles.

So many things have transpired in this year, some are just so glorious and some I don't think I would be able to say. But nonetheless each and every circumstance that has happened has happened only for the glorying in the name of Yeshua and that I may learn from Him through said situations. The prayer ministry of Glory Place is most certainly taking a new turn because of the institution of the harps and we are seeing and experiencing life on earth as it is in heaven. The people are being drawn in and it is to the praise of the glory of Yeshua's name that everything that has happened did happened. Inasmuch as 2016 was glorious, the next year shall be even more so. In fact I believe that what we will experience next year will be so much that everything that has gone by in this year will just be forgotten due to the glory awaiting us in the year to come.

There is much, much more that I should write but right now the Bible Reading marathon is underway. I've had best concentrate. Praise Yahweh!

-Tuesday, 27th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 20 days, 1257

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