Tuesday 27 December 2016

Bible Reading Day 1 - R&R

This is the second year that I have attended Bible Reading and it's beginning to grow on me. Last year, I was involved with the Bible reading going on in Glory Place Mantin but this year I am in Glory Place Petaling Jaya for the Bible reading. At first I had wanted to stay in Glory Place partly for two significant reasons: Firstly, the place grew on me. Last year I was on the midnight watch together with Joshua until sunrise every day and I really enjoyed that time. Everyone was asleep save a few alert ones and some crickets who were watching and reading with us throughout each night. It was quiet and serene, utterly tranquil and I really enjoyed the time where no one talked and just focused on reading the Word of Elohim forth. So it was for this same reason that I had my reservations concerning coming down to GPPJ instead of remaining at GP Mantin for this year's Bible Reading. The second reason did not really cultivate itself until this year when I realised something, something which cannot be mentioned at this particular moment in time. Who knows, Elohim willing He will be gracious to me and with my own eyes I will see the fulfillment of this particular. I hope in Yeshua, there's no one to hope in otherwise.

But the more I pondered as to why I ought to come down to GPPJ this year I realised that this is the right call in the end. In the end, what I desire may not always be right but what Yahweh has preordained for me though it may seem to my hurt is for my joy and peace in the end as it always have been and should be. This year, with the arrival of many different people with the intention of serving Yahweh at Glory Place Mantin the place had become lively. Not to say that there are no longer times of quietude in GP left but now in its current state I can enjoy the silence only in the wee hours of the morning alone. And that is only for a few hours. As I ponder back I found myself enjoying a different kind of quietude that can only be found here in Glory Place PJ. Here, it is still as still can be in the city. Even if the house of prayer is situated quite near the highway and yet once the clock strikes midnight, everything comes to a close and such a stillness sets in. Glory Place Mantin also has moments like this but I found that with different areas holds different anointings for different times and seasons and in this season it is right that I should be here at GPPJ for the Bible Reading.

This is also the place that I could just put some distance between what I desire and what I ought to be doing instead. I found that in GP Mantin I might have been caught up in recent matters so much so that I might have deterred from my walk with Yeshua Messiah for a time. These sort of things ought not to be so and with that in my mind it is good for me to come here to refocus myself and to just once again enter the rest of Yahweh here in this place. And even in the first day of the Bible Reading I found myself to be quite enjoying the silence prevalent in this place and that I could just gather myself together and abandon myself to the awesome working of the Holy Spirit in my life. What I desire can be waited upon in just upon Yahweh first. Everything becomes beautiful in their due seasons.

I cannot begin to describe just how relaxed and rested I feel right now. It is just so relaxed here spending time reading the Word of Elohim together with family and friends. One thing I have felt was that here there is such a natural connection with one another as we read the Bible nonstop. We know each other and we came for the same purpose: to see the Word of Elohim declared forth in the air to the principalities and powers. Perhaps that's why there's such a unity and oneness in this place among the people. We don't chitchat much with each other and perhaps that's why I'm enjoying it so much really. We just focus on receiving, resting, and reading; all in and through Yeshua by the Spirit. If it is like this for everyday then I wouldn't mind coming back here every year just to find time alone with Yahweh and not to be around friends, that is to say to occupy my time with Elohim in silence rather than to yak it up with friends. There's times when fellowship is good but for me, silence is better. I value the silence of the people around more than what they say with their mouths. Let their lives speak and not their lips, it shall be their testimony.

I am thoroughly enjoying myself right now and as I come to the end of my night watch and pass it on to the next, I find myself happy. Not that I'm smiling as I write this, much; but that there's such a satisfaction welling up from within me that encompasses me round about. I am satisfied and I am happy. A new day is here and with it it brings much more blessings and more that that what I desire the most: serenity. What a beautiful word with a beautiful meaning.

-Wednesday, 28th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 21 days, 0257

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