Thursday 29 December 2016

Bible Reading 2016 - Deep Scrub

We are nearing the end of the Gospel of John now and as we enter into the final day of the Bible Reading I had completely forgotten the significance and the severity of the continuous reading of the Word of Elohim day and night. Not to be mistaken but I have thoroughly enjoyed myself in this Bible Reading but it came at a cost that I am all too familiar with. Last year, as I joined the Bible Reading in Glory Place Mantin certain events took place in which my true character manifested itself and thus I was cleansed. An event that I am not too fond to recall actually but it was to my advantage because in that Bible Reading I was delivered from said manifestation and that made it worthwhile. The same thing is happening here to me in GPPJ.

Not the same issue but rather different issues altogether are surfacing up and manifesting itself in the midst of the people. Although it is quite subtle (I say subtle but I'm not sure whether the people around me noticed when I was acting a little off my rocker...), there is nonetheless a clear revealing of my innermost being here in the Bible Reading. Not to say that I don't enjoy that because I know that when all these issues manifest itself, they clear off in the presence of Yeshua Messiah and the continuous reading of His Word; but I don't really enjoy going through it per se. Hebrews 12:11 perfectly encompasses what I feel concerning all of this.

[Heb 12:11] Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

So it is good that all these issues come out especially during the Bible Reading but then again it is another blow to me to see that I still have much unresolved messes in my life. However at the same time it is comforting and humbling for me to see my faults because it causes my eyes to turn to Yeshua. Who else can cleanse me of all these with His blood? Who else can remove my imperfections and perfect me in Himself? Yeshua alone and through my faults it causes me to cleave all the more to Him and it makes me confront the constant need for the Saviour in my life.

There is an unimaginable power in proclaiming the Word of Elohim over ourselves, our families, churches, and nations. But there is an even greater outpouring of the power when it is declared day and night nonstop. One of the things that I have had the privilege of experiencing over the course of the two Bible Readings I have joined is the setting free of different yokes and burdens over me. Of course that means that said burdens must be exposed first before it can be ousted but in the end the latter end is definitely worth going through it. No one likes it when someone points out their faults, no one likes it further when they realise that they are right. Much more me but I know that it is to my advantage.

Overall, I am enjoying myself here in this Bible Reading. It came at a price to my hurt no doubt but as the Word says:

[Pro 20:30] The blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil: so do stripes the inward parts of the belly.

And indeed it does. What a way to close the year and I'm glad that it ended in such a way. I'd rather go into 2017 with no face but completely set free rather than to have my reputation intact and my bondages secured fastly onto me. Praise Yahweh for making me know my faults and thus relieving me off them.

-Friday, 30th December 2016, 1 year 3 months 23 days, 0057

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