Sunday 1 January 2017


We're in the first day of the new year of 2017 and things have begun to take place at such a brisk pace already. Considering what the Holy Spirit have thus far revealed to me concerning this year, this will most certainly be quite the interesting year to behold. We have had the privilege of ending the year on a personal high note, just waiting on Yahweh and having His Spirit take over as we entered a new year. Really it's not about how high the worship goes but it just matters when the Holy Spirit is present and He takes over that all things become ever so glorious. For me that was a high note in itself that we could give thanks to Elohim for 2016 by just waiting for Him even till the early hours of 2017. Despite the ruckus caused by all the incessant fireworks just blasting right outside our windows, it makes me glad because it just shows that we are doing something right. The enemy causes a stir the more we press into the presence of Yahweh. That makes me glad.

This year is most certainly a year for breakthrough. Not just for me personally but I believe that it is for all others as well that this year would be the year that the breakthroughs we sought would come to fruition. However wonderful it may be and it is to be expected, that wasn't the interesting bit that the Holy Spirit. I'll leave it to the imagination of the readers for now but this year many things will begin to take place that only we young people will understand and have a secret passion for. Relationships. Not just with Yeshua alone but with one another as well. This was by far the most interesting season that the Holy Spirit had revealed to me thus far simply because behind all this facade I am still a young guy and it would make me a liar if I said that I had no interest whatsoever in all these things. I am excited but I am also concerned because as far as I know it, of all the trials and tribulations that have assaulted the young people in this ministry none had as much success in causing a mess like relationships. I am conflicted in my feelings because this is to my advantage and learning as is all seasons that Yahweh brings me through but this is the season that I would have to tread lightly or risk falling into a deep pit and getting stuck myself.

Relationships with Elohim, families, friends or something more personal; no matter what it may be this season will be the season that everything will blossom and bloom. It's just the first day of the new year and yet I have received confirmation after confirmation telling me that this season is exactly what I reckoned it to be so. It's funny how the Holy Spirit keeps bringing me to conclusions and answers so beyond my comprehension that I just thank Yahweh how long ago He has taught me to discard the thoughts and logical reasonings of my mind in favour for the being led by His Spirit. If I had entered this season with still such a stronghold in the mind concerning arguments and whatnot then it's most obvious I would fail in this season with flying colours. My fall would have been great, in fact it still could if I do not tread lightly in times to come. But praise Yeshua He has sustained me until this point in time despite my imperfections still.

Something is blossoming this year amongst the young people. Things are beginning to take place and the whole puzzle piece is falling together. This year is indeed the year for breakthrough and it comes in ways we cannot possibly expect or comprehend with our minds. My concern for this season is that we would lose sight of our true purpose: pursuing and looking only at Yeshua Messiah. Instead of building each other up, our relationships with one another might just hinder and even tear down what Yahweh has built in our lives. But by the grace of Yahweh this will be a season where things will just begin to bud. Let's go through and remain focused on what truly matters, everything else comes after we first set our hearts and minds in seeking the kingdom of Elohim and His righteousness which can only be found in Messiah Yeshua.

-Sunday, 1st January 2017, 1 year 3 months 26 days, 2159

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