Tuesday 3 January 2017

Patience over Passion

I can't sleep at the moment. Possibly because now is the ideal time to write about what has been on my mind as of recently. Time and time again a single story has just kept on returning to me and considering the current season and situations that we are in in Yahweh it is most certainly well timed. The story of the pilgrim called Christian and his plights to get to the Celestial City to see the King of glory. Written by John Bunyan one particular story keeps on returning to me in moments like these. The story of Passion and Patience.

[I saw, moreover, in my dream, that the Interpreter took him by the hand, and had him into a little room, where sat two little children, each one in his chair. The name of the eldest was Passion, of the other Patience. Passion seemed to be much discontent, but Patience was very quiet. Then Christian asked, What is the reason of the discontent of Passion? The Interpreter answered, the Governor of them would have him stay for his best things, 'till the beginning of the next year; but he will have all now: But Patience is willing to wait.

Then I saw that one came to Passion, and brought him a bag of Treasure, and poured it down at his feet; the which he took up and rejoiced therein, and withall laughed Patience to scorn: But I beheld but a while, and he had lavished all away, and had nothing left him but rags.

Christian: Then said Christian to the Interpreter, Expound this matter more fully to me.

Interpreter: So he said, These two lads are Figures; Passion of the men of this World, and Patience of the men of that which is come: For as here you see, Passion will have all now, this year; that is to say, in this world; so are the men of this world. They must have all their good things now; they cannot stay till next year, that is, until the next world, for their portion of good. That proverb, A Bird in the Hand is worth two in the Bush, is of more authority with them, than are all the Divine testimonies of the Good of the World to come. But as you saw, that he had quickly lavished all away, and had presently left him nothing but rags; so will it be with all such men at the End of this world.

Christian: Then said Christian, Now I see that Patience has the best Wisdom, and that upon many accounts: 1. Because he stays for the best things. 2. And also because he will have the Glory of his, when the other has nothing but rags.

Interpreter: Nay, you may add another, to wit, the Glory of the next World will never wear out; but these are suddenly gone. Therefore Passion had not so much reason to laugh at Patience, because he had his good things first, as Patience will have to laugh at Passion, because he had his best things last; for first must give place to last, because last must have its time to come; but last gives place to nothing; for there is not another to succeed. He therefore that has his portion first, must need have a Time to spend it; but he that has his portion last, must have it lastingly: Therefore it is said of Dives, In your Lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted, and you are tormented.

Christian: Then I perceive it is not best to covet things that are now, but to wait for things to come.

Interpreter: You say truth: For the things that are seen are Temporal; but the things that are not seen are Eternal. But though this be so, yet since things present, and our fleshly appetite are such near neighbors one to another; and again, because things to come, and carnal Sense, are such Strangers one to another: Therefore it is, that the first of these so suddenly fall into Amity, and that Distance is so continued between the second.]

I'll leave it to the reader to digest what he can from this particular parable that John Bunyan wrote but for me I have gleaned so much already from his book and what more this particular story within a story. This does not just bode with temporal wealth but with everything else in between. In this new year I realised that what I need now is the fruit of the Spirit which brings forth longsuffering and patience. Not to suffer long but rather to just wait and see the salvation that Elohim can and will wrought forth not just for me but for everyone else as well in the meantime. Why have something now which will not last when I can wait for Yahweh's timing in which He makes everything beautiful in their due season? What He gives in their due season is eternally lasting and that indeed is something to hold onto and continue forward unfazed by what can be seen.

To those who know my current situation, it is not anything like that at all. It's going well I believe with me but now is not the time for me to claim my inheritance just yet and to go on and splurging it with prodigal living. Rather now is the time that the Holy Spirit had graciously chosen to teach me to wait for Him and His time. Just like James says in his letter:

[Jas 1:4] But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

A revelation that came to me recently is that it is indeed Elohim Who works in us both to will and to do according to His own good pleasure. However the work He does is indeed a good work but together with patience; on our part to wait on Him, then the good becomes the perfect work leaving us perfect and entire and wanting nothing. I want that, to have no want for anything but to be completely satisfied with whatsoever Yeshua Messiah has decided to put on my plate. And the way to attain to it is by simply to wait upon Yahweh, because really there's nothing we can do whatsoever without Him and His Spirit working in and through us.

[Psa 127:1] Except יהוה build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except יהוה keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

And without Yeshua Messiah nothing can be done. We will have no access to the Heavenly Father without Him and it would be utterly foolish to think otherwise. Yeshua encompasses us all about and is all in all. He is everything that we need, we desire, and we must have.

[Joh 10:9] I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

[Joh 14:6] Yeshua saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

[Joh 15:5] I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing.

This indeed is the season of much blooming in the lives of the young people. However a flower does not bloom in the blink of one's eyes. There is a need to take care and to nurture the plant before it blossoms and bears forth fruit sweet to the taste. And to wait to the revealing of a flower's beauty requires patience and the need to watch over it. Thankfully we have an awesome Vine dresser who looks after us who abides in the True Vine.

[Joh 15:1-2] I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Husbandman. Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

-Wednesday, 4th January 2017, 1 year 3 months 28 days, 0351

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