Friday 13 January 2017


It's been a while since I had last written. There's much to tell but I'm at a crossroads at where to begin. I believe that it is best to begin at the current fasting and prayer. This month's recent fast and pray has been quite an interesting one if I may so reckon. Despite me breaking my absolute fast at 4am on the last day, it was quite enjoyable and different to say the least. I had to proceed with recording and had to lend my voice to the tunes and it was amazing to see the Holy Spirit take over. Even when we were fasting for 3 days without touching food and water our voices were pitch perfect. Well, calling it that might be a long shot but it was our usual singing voices with no drawbacks from the fasting whatsoever. You'd expect that our voices would be raspy and hoarse but it wasn't and that in itself is yet another miracle that we sometimes take for granted. Our whole life is meant to personify Yeshua's which means that it to personifies a life filled with miracles every day. This is no exception. Continuing on with the testimonial. On the second day of the fast we began recording by far; and this is one biased opinion that I am giving, the most difficult song I have had the privilege to listen to and to sing along to for over the course of 8 hours from 8pm onwards to the dawn of 4am the next day. It took a real toll on me but praise Yahweh I have had no greater pleasure than to finish that song at the end.

Really all we had to do was to sing a certain phrase of that song 3 times but the times where we slurred our speech or messed up our timing was incalculable. Nonetheless it is by the grace of the Lord Yeshua Messiah that we had actually managed to finish it at all. I had thought that we would have called it off until the next time we recorded again but praise Yahweh that we finished it and did it sound marvelous in the end. At the end of the recording session I felt a prompting from within saying that it was time to wrap up this fast. And wrapped it up I did. Never had ice lemon tea felt as invigorating as it did the moment it touched my throat. It was almost like waterfall of pure delight cruising down my throat quenching my thirst. Call it what you will, but I personally believe that so long as we continue to walk with Yeshua by the Spirit He would turn even our mistakes into something glorious unto His name. After all:

[Rom 8:28]] And we know that all things work together for good to them that love יהוה, to them who are the called according to His purpose.

It was only at the end of the fast that I had seen just exactly why I was called to put an end to the fast early. On the last day when the staff and helpers of Semarak and GP Mantin gathered together in GP to end the fast corporately, the electricity was cut minutes after we began. It was hot, humid, and for those who continued in the 3 day absolute fast; a marvelous thing that Yahweh has done. From where I sat I could see people dozing off in the humid heat, fanning themselves with cushions no less, and some even with the gall to return to their rooms to wait out the heat storm. People were sweating like nobody's business but frankly speaking I did not really sweat that much. In fact, I felt pretty normal at that time so much so that I could concentrate on the worship and what Pastor Jean was sharing with us. Despite having only a brief rest before gathering together I felt refreshed the longer the day dragged on. Praise Yahweh that truly in His foreknowledge He allowed me by His grace to break fast before this event because even I know that I would find this to be quite torturous indeed, hoping not for the second coming of our Lord Yeshua but for the returning of the air-conditioning​ and the coming of dinner time. My mind would be elsewhere and not focused on Yahweh.

Usually what we do during a corporate meeting during the fasting and praying season is that we would gather together from 11am to 5pm and longer Elohim willing. We would worship, pray, wage warfare, wait upon Yahweh, hear Pastor Jean share the Word to us etc. But this time was completely different. Pastor Jean asked each of us to declare forth the power of the Word of Elohim by searching through the Bible and proclaiming loudly the verse which speaks on the Word. So it began I honestly that was absolutely enjoyable and fun. Megan, my sister commented on the fact that she has never seen our people perusing through the Bible ever so diligently before now. Everyone was thoroughly enjoying themselves just proclaiming the Word of Elohim which is living and powerful. The time just flew and our circumstances forgotten, we actually forgot that we were sweating and hot and humid. We were just too focused on the Word. Everyone took part in it and as it continued on I could just sense such a deep pleasure of Yahweh as a Father upon the good works of His sons that we are doing exactly as He pleases. For me it felt as though He is so pleased with us that we are just declaring His Word with such exuberance and excitement. This fast and pray was exquisite and I believe that it will only become better as time continues onwards.

It is late already and I have to get up soon, the second part in which I would talk about the current changing of the seasons I will write given the time Elohim willing. Until then, reader...

-Saturday, 14th January 2017, 1 year 4 months 7 days, 0501

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