Friday 17 February 2017

Free Indeed

With this the monthly corporate 3 days fasting and praying has ended and indeed it was a marvellous breakthrough for myself. Considering that halfway through last month's fasting I broke in the beginning of the third day, I was slightly concerned as to whether I would be able to go through this fast once again on absolute. Needless to say I sought Yahweh for His strength especially during this fast because I was lined up to worship lead on two of the three days during it's long hours in the morning. I came to the conclusion that unless the Holy Spirit takes over then there will just be yet another blunder. Thankfully and praise Yahweh for that, He did took over and He supplied me through and through through this fast. In fact it passed exceptionally quickly and I wasn't that particularly thirsty or hungry. Sure there were times when I could have used a drink but more often times I just experienced the power from above quickening my body with sustenance and strength for the current day.

Many things have transpired for me these past few days and more so this week. However, in the end is it not always to my blessing? This particular week I have felt strangely sober in my perception of things. Sometimes when under oppression my eyes just become so glassy and glossed over and I would just be such a blur case but ever since this week as I set my mind to this fast I found that my eyes and its perception was strengthened. I'm not sure whether I can explain it but now I feel indubitably sane and sober for such a long time. I've never experienced this sense of sobriety over such a long period of time. Hmmm, perhaps I've just revealed my state of mind but it doesn't matter now. I've been set free and being set free like this is such a strange feeling really. Not to say that I dislike it, rather I enjoy the liberty that Yahweh has set me free into. It just feels so odd sometimes.

For this moment there really isn't much to put onto paper. In fact I want nothing more than to just continue in the freedom Yeshua Messiah has put forth for me to walk in. Needless to say, things are changing around Glory Place and Semarak and CRC. The people, the surrounding, the atmosphere. There was a breakthrough I believe in this fast. Not just on an individual level but truly as the corporate body of Messiah and that deserves us giving the praise to the Spirit of Elohim for that. The days ahead are somewhat interesting for me and I'd like to know how it will play out, but then again it is in the hands of Yahweh. If Yahweh wills then it shall be so, plain and simple.

-Saturday, 18th February 2017, 1 year 5 months 11 days, 0414

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