Monday 20 February 2017

Rest in the Midst of Work

We are on the brink of revival now not only in the midst our ministry but as I so believe everywhere else in the world. Houses of prayers are arising and becoming more frequent and nations are returning back to Yahweh and the Biblical standards of the Bible. And yet as I see it, we are not thoroughly prepared for the revival to come upon us. It's not a matter of a change of heart but rather a perspective in the mind. We have not yet learnt to enter into Elohim's rest and completely cease from all our works.

I observe the young people and I've noticed a trend that has been pointed out to me before by others. More times than it should we allow our work to completely overwhelm us and weigh us down so much. I see the look in their eyes and all I see is such a weariness and a tiredness even when about the Heavenly Father's business. What Yeshua has given us is not burdensome so in the end, why is it? There is no rest, no peace; simply because we have not learnt to enter that rest in Him. Even the method of entering that rest requires no effort of our selves but rather a simple believing.

[Heb 4:3a] For we which have believed do enter into rest,

[Heb 4:11] Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

This is the conviction I stand upon: When the author of Hebrews talks about being diligent and labouring lest we fall short of entering that rest, it's not talking about doing many things. In truth, it simply says to labour to not to be found falling in the same example of unbelief and disobedience the children of Israel had against Yahweh. To enter is by believing and that rest is also a part and portion of the fullness of Messiah.

[Mat 12:43] When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

The wilderness is not only a dry place, but also a place of unrest. Those who died in the wilderness died without having received the Promised Land and entering into the rest of their labours. Now for us the Promised Land signifies the fullness of Yeshua Messiah that we ought to enter into and I believe that includes the rest of Elohim. Many have become so unrested and so uneasy simply because they have yet to learn that to obtain the promises of Messiah it is simply by faith we receive. Sure we can say that we know that and that we believe but in the end, actions will testify of the words we speak.

When we enter into Elohim's rest we completely cease from all, ALL our works and allow the Holy Spirit to work HIS works in and through us. In fact, the Jews once asked Yeshua what they must do to work the works of Elohim and Yeshua gave a profound answer.

[Joh 6:28-29] Then said they unto Him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of Elohim? Yeshua answered and said unto them, This is the work of Elohim, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.

The Jews asked what must they do before they begin the works of Elohim. The blueprint or the plan of a house before building it. In another sense, they were asking for the means to begin building. But Yeshua said that believing on Him is the work in itself. He lays no further burden on us except to believe on Him. But so, so many times we think it upon ourselves that we ought to 'contribute' to the works of Elohim. To have a part to play or else it won't sit well with us. We don't have a part to plan in anything of Yahweh's purposes, really. We weren't there from the beginning, it was all made by and through and for Him. So what makes us think that now we have a part to play? It is by the grace of Elohim that He has included us in His plans and purposes but He doesn't expect us to carry out the works by ourselves. He will do it.

[Phi 2:13] For it is יהוה which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

Meaning that He is the One Who gives us the desire and the means to carry out His work. It is His work in the end and all we are to be are vessels, channels to allow His power to flow in and through. That's how we become a blessing to nations, when we see that on our part we have no part to play except to be always available to the workings of the Holy Spirit in us and to always be open to allow the life of Yeshua to flow out from us. Nations don't want us, they want Yeshua in us and that is what we ought to present them with.

This particular topic and go on and on and on but I will cut it short here for now. Needless to say that we all enjoy rest but it is only from Yeshua Messiah that through rest is attained. All we have to do is simply believe.

[Mat 11:28-30] Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.

-Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 1 year 5 months 14 days, 1124

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