Saturday 25 February 2017

Shaking Season

The seasons have shifted once again. This time indeed it brings with it much shakings and what a time to be alive this is. As we are on the cusp of revival we are beginning to see the enemy stepping up his game as well. Needless to say that the enemy is all out to steal, kill, and to destroy us completely but praise Elohim we already have the victory in our grasp because of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. It is through Him that we have the victory to overcome the world by our faith in Him. So, as I am beginning to observe I am witnessing change unlike anything before it happening not just in the midst of our ministry but also amongst the nations as well. This is the time where Yahweh shall shake heaven and earth and that which cannot be shaken; His Word will only remain.

In fact, it becomes needless to say but the shakings have at long last begun and what it is turning out to be. Many are being shaken through and through but more so are being shaken upwards because of it. We always claim to stand upon the Word of Elohim but this is the season where our confession and beliefs are put to the test of storms, floods, and fire. This is the time the life of the Messiah in us ought to be manifested because only He is able to see us through.

[2Co 4:7] But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of יהוה, and not of us.

But in order for the treasure to truly shine then the earthen vessels must be broken and there has been no record of any vessel ever having taken themselves up, smash themselves into pieces. They require outward intervention for their breaking. You can't expect a pot to lift itself up into the air and then smash itself moments later, you must be the one to life it up and put it down. We are the pot, the clay and Yahweh is our Potter. What He finds within and without us unclean and not right in His sight, let Him break it apart so that that which is perfect may be put in. More often times we so desire that which is imperfect because we have grown accustomed to it and we refuse that which is perfect from Elohim because we do not understand that it is for us. We had rather enjoy brief comfort rather than eternal pleasures that come with but momentary trials.

It's easy to say that we stand on the Word of Elohim now but when the time comes for our confession to be soundly tested instead many times we are soundly taken aback and fall because of it. Not to say that I've already mastered one aspect of this so that is why I can tell it like it is. I'm still learning in many regards in this constant walk with Yahweh but what He has put into my heart I have every right to share even though some may disagree. Of course again, not to say that I'm always in the know but when I am wrong and you can show to me my wrong then I will accept it. It is my rightful due after all.

Suffice it to say that now is the time where everything will shortly be tested. If we can overcome and let go of the weights binding us down when that time comes, good. If not then we will be in for a long, long season this time around. Praise Yahweh.

The times are changing once again. And it would be severely disadvantageous for us if we do not learn to flow along together with the work that the Holy Spirit intends to do in each and every season. Even if we do not understand or even if we do not have the means to keep up it doesn't matter. So long as there is obedience from us and a willingness to change along with the seasons then it will be Yahweh who will carry us through.

[Deu 1:31] And in the wilderness, where thou hast seen how that יהוה thy Elohim bare thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the way that ye went, until ye came into this place.

-Saturday, 25th February 2017, 1 year 5 months 18 days, 1955

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