Tuesday 28 March 2017


Apparently my day off has officially been switched from every Wednesday to every Tuesday now and I must say it is quite the feeling to be able to be available for most of the day. I can catch up on my sleep, and I think that's about what I normally use my day offs for anyways.

This also gives me time to quietly reflect on the road that I have thus far walked by the guiding and the teaching of the Holy Spirit in me. More often times than not I find that it is during this times of availability that time begins to move ever so quickly. The next thing you know it, it's already evening. I really do enjoy the days where I get to just be free around town, and frankly even the work that is being given unto me to do and to carry out is always quite free and easy. It's been the same work ever since I joined this ministry to serve, but it has become lighter and lighter everytime. I believe it has to do with the renewing of the mind. And of course, the best way to renew the mind is by the art of worship.

[Rom 12:1-2] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of יהוה, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto יהוה, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of יהוה.

I've mentioned in a previous post of how this verse not only speaks about separation but also the surrendering of one's entire being during worship to be offered up like incense, a pure offering. Worship is about giving one's all every single time as much as prayer is the same as well. Peter said that they, and in like manner we; must continually give ourselves to prayer and the Word.

[Act 6:4] But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.

That means an act of total submission to allow prayer, worship, and even the ministering to Yahweh by His Word to take effect in our lives. That is how we will see life transformed, characters changed, minds renewed. However, more on worship and prayer it doesn't come only during services or even during personal closet times. It comes at every single moment because Yahweh has declared that from sunrise to sunset, practically every single time; His name is to be great and extolled.

[Mal 1:11] For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith יהוה of hosts.

Every moment there is something to worship Yahweh about, everywhere and everything if you can see speaks of the glory of Yahweh and declares His works.

[Psa 19:1-3] The heavens declare the glory of Elohim; and the firmameint sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

At the same time, my personal conviction stands that prayer is not just mouthing off a set phrase of words or sentences, but instead prayer is about communion to Yahweh. Much like how worship is about exalting the name of Yeshua, to me prayer is the time when my heart can be poured out before Him in a different manner. To voice out my needs, my weaknesses and His ability not just to meet them but exceedingly and abundantly so. Worship is about Him and for me, prayer is about a coming together to meet with Him.

Prayer needn't be long winded because as how one talks to a friend can be blunt and honest, so too ought we be before Yahweh because we have that privilege. True, He is to be revered and worshipped always in a manner befitting because He is Yahweh El Shaddai, but He is also our Heavenly Father Who hears the heartfelt cries of His sons and daughters and will not turn them away. In prayer when I am alone I can be brutally honest with Elohim as how I can be with Him only. But of course, this is just my standing on this matter.

It's been a great day off so far for me, simply because I was able to catch up on some sleep that I had been slightly behind for these few days. However, even as it draws to a close in a few hours time it doesn't really matter to me. In fact, if anyone needed to call for help I would immediately answer because sleep can always be replaced later on and most obviously, those who serve Yahweh have realistically, no day offs from such things. Our days down to the last seconds are from start to finish His alone. We have nothing of our own selves to add and even when we continue to serve Him we needn't be tired because we can always be refreshed in His presence, more so during worship and prayer which I myself have had the privilege of experiencing on many, many, many occasions. Without that refreshing everytime, I'd think I'd be half asleep through all the services and whatnot. Praise Yahweh for today, and even then tomorrow shall yet be better.

-Tuesday, 28th march 2017, 1 year 6 months 21 days, 1619

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