Wednesday 5 April 2017

2 Corinthians 3:4-6

It's been a while since I had last written. Mainly it's because now my daily routine has taken not a monotonic sort of setting but rather everyday it becomes the same. I wake up for morning devotion, although by the time you read the time that I blog this particular post; I probably won't be showing up any time soon. I worship since there is no one there even remotely, only a sparse few but that is not to say that I don't enjoy it. It gives me opportunity for some well needed ministering to Yahweh on the harp and in prayer during the morning devotion. After that, at least for these few weeks to come it is recording for the Chinese album and in truth, I have learnt quite a bit. Not just in the pronunciation of the Mandarin dialect but also how to manage the computer software for the recording as well. There is progress.

So we continue on and on until even time and then we break for dinner and rest for the night session at 8pm. More often times if I am not resting after the session is over then I'll continue recording again and this has been my daily routine for quite some time now. I don't dislike it, it feels as though whenever I record like I am on leave for the day. It feels so free and easy despite the amount of concentration and focus needed sometimes to record to such minuscule details. For me it feels as though I am enjoying not just a day off but a week off almost every single week that I am on the recording team for the upcoming Chinese album. Of course, I still have my commitments during the weekends: Friday house church and overnight prayer every week until 3am at CRC, Saturday GP service and every alternate week youth meeting where my sister, Megan and I share. Yeshua Heals and the 1st English service at night until early morning, flowing into the 2nd English service and CRC service as well. I don't get my reprieve until 10pm at the least but honestly for me, I enjoy the weekends. They may seem hectic for some but for me it is a given time where I can just drop my duties and just minister to Elohim like I'm supposed to.

Though right now my life may be full of much ministerial work, in the end my main duty is to first connect with Yahweh by the Holy Spirit and just continuously minister to Him whether in worship, in stillness, in prayer, in exhortation of the Word of Elohim. Any time, everytime that is my main duty as a son of Elohim. At first, I was completely swamped by the tasks given me but as I learnt more from the Word and from experience, as I just laid myself down and allowed the life of Yeshua to begin to flow, as I began to see that it is not my work but Yeshua's; breakthrough began to happen. The work though it became significantly diverse and arduous was no longer strenuous on my part because the Spirit took over. Everything became possible and everytime became interesting to me. Whatsoever the job given, it is not of me that I should churn out results but rather the effective working of Messiah in me that produces the fruit in its due season.

Suffice it to say, I am increasingly happy where I am now but that is not to say that I don't want more than that because I do want more than that. Not the works per se but the effective power of Yahweh working in me through all these things. The burden no longer falls on me to see it through, all has been borne by Yeshua on the cross and the only burden I need to bear is His own which is light and easy. Praise Yahweh.

Considering that many of us are also gearing up for the upcoming convocations later this year, I believe that though there should be a need to keep our sights on the end, we should not plan far ahead as we do not know what even tomorrow brings us. Yeshua called us to live a life free of worry. A life full of peace and consolation is our portion and not for anxiously fretting over what tomorrow will give unto us. All in all, Yahweh is teaching me to take and live and love each day as it comes because He made that day for us all. Ought we not to rejoice and be glad in it like the Word says?

We may have much to do but in the end, our sufficiency is from Elohim. Who not only makes us sufficient in things pertaining good works but also as ministers unto Himself by the Spirit. Because only the Spirit gives life.

[2Co 3:4-6] And such trust have we through the Messiah toward יהוה: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of יהוה; Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

-Thursday, 6th April 2017, 1 year 6 months 30 days, 0423

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