Friday 14 April 2017

Remembering Messiah

It's once again been a while since I had last wrote and perhaps now, on the way back to Semarak from CRC; is a good time as any to talk about recent tracks and activities. Many things have been happening and happening for my benefit.

This week is the Resurrection Week of Yeshua Messiah, and as the people called by His name we celebrate but more so remember what He had accomplished on the cross for us all. How He died such a cruel and lowly death but now is alive forever more and seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high. We remember, and we are humbled by it and by Him and His finished work on the cross.

In conjunction with this week, we of course had our usual staff and helpers corporate fasting and prayer for 3 days on absolute; that means no food and water. And for me this was an eventful fast because even on the first day Yahweh began to answer my prayers long kept up till this point in time. Knowing the significance of this week and in conjunction our fast happens in the same week as well, I prayed to Elohim for this fast to be unlike any before it. And it was, praise Yahweh. On the first day I was given a verse from Zechariah and it talks about how instead of the usual sullen mood fasting brings, the fast that Elohim ordains is joy and gladness, a continual feast.

[Zec 8:19] Thus saith יהוה of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace.

Just by this verse alone strength came upon me and I have received my help. For the remainder of this fast it was, to me; as though I wasn't even fasting at all. Such strength allowed me to continue my daily housekeeping and laundry needs and whatever else may be required. Not with sluggishness but with the same amount of vigour just like when one just had nourishment. And I got mine plenty from the Word of Elohim.

The second day, though in a way quite unexpected; another prayer long since prayed for came to pass yet again. I remember how I once told Yahweh to continue to break and humble me because I have an insane amount of pride and arrogance that I carry myself with. So, every time and every season there will always be something or someone that will come by and lay it down for me. This time, it was my father and truly the fault lies with me. Smack down. Anyways, I really received plenty when we had our talk and one thing I have noticed and am glad about is that whenever I get reprimanded sharply over something, the subject of the matter is always different. To me that is progress and why should I not be happy. A long time ago, I found that the best way to breakthrough and have a jump in our progressive walk with Messiah is to have someone in our lives who will not lay swelling words on us but will tell it as it is; even though it may hurt. And for that I have my family and a few others. Praise Yahweh for them.

[Pro 27:17] Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

People tend to misquote this verse in using it for saying they had an argument without saying they had an argument. But that's not what the verse is saying. I realised that when a piece of metal sharpens yet another, both edges become razor. Meaning through they clash with one another both have benefit to it and they become sharper for use. Ought not that to be the same with us? We live in a community with different sorts of people from different sorts of background and upbringing, so clashes come with the territory. However I have learnt that in every moment we butt heads, there is always something to glean from it and what can be gleaned from those engagements ultimately will benefit us much more than if we should be all chummy with one another. It's the differences that make the foundation stronger. But of course, this sort of thing can be debated for many a whole but I'll leave it here.

The third day's fasting and prayer ended on quite the high note with ABC for breaking fast with. However, the real breakthrough was during the Friday Overnight prayer at CRC just now. I just felt that I couldn't worship, the more I pushed with the next song the more the presence of Elohim became distant to me. So I stopped after an hour or so, and we just entered into a time of prayer and waiting upon Yahweh for the next 3 hours or so. In truth, I realised that there is no greater way to remember Yeshua Messiah and His finished work than to be in reverential silence before Him and to behold Him as He is. Not with song, or sometimes even prayer. But simply just in the silence I sensed that the Holy Spirit is doing a great work in each and everyone there and in CRC itself. It was just serene and peaceful unlike the times before when the presence was so thick and strong, this time the presence was as quiet as a stream. It was soothing and time just flew in the blink of an eye. Surely Yeshua is enthroned this day in Kelana Jaya.

There's still the days ahead as we gear up for Resurrection Sunday and I can already sense that everything is falling into place. Even for my own part I see that everything is falling into my favour simply because of the Divine Favour upon me by Yeshua Messiah. The days and the seasons ahead hold great promise and more than just gifts, the Giver of said gifts is waiting for me too. Thus I receive and receive. What else do I need to do?

-Saturday, 15th April 2017, 1 year 7 months 8 days, 0410

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