Sunday 3 September 2017

Deliverance in the Camps

We have just finished the prayer advance and more than anything, it was a time of deep cleansing and scrubbing for the house and people of Elohim. During this seminar, many things have cropped up and they were not pleasant things. However, it is good that they manifest. It just means that the cleansing is in effect. There is really not much to speak about this prayer advance because I had already blogged the majority of what I've experienced in the previous post. However, I believe that Yahweh is doing a most wonderful work in our midst in these last days and surely when the revival comes as we have prayed, then we will be ready because He is cleansing us of all impurities.

I've been praying for deliverance to occur in Zion and so Yeshua has graciously answered my prayer. In retrospect, had I known what I must go through I would not have been so thorough with my prayers to purge and break me. Today as the day closes, deliverance has come upon me. I feel completely out of it, lethargic, weary, with a splitting headache, and continuously falling asleep here for the entire day. And it wasn't just me, other people as well were really feeling the oppressiveness in the air and were none better because of it. However, I also had to go through a time of continuous purging today. It might have been the curry that I ate yesterday which was spoiled beyond belief, then again it is simply time that I excavated all that was within me. I realise that the curry doesn't have much to do with it, though it may have been the catalyst. This is the deliverance that I've been praying to come upon me and it would be a shame of face if I didn't take it as I ought.

More than anything, I've realised that Yeshua truly is merciful and gracious unto me. All that I've prayed and spoken to Him about was in one way or another confirmed and I believe that He is bringing forth something great and marvellous. After all, His works are indeed great and marvellous. Not to say that everything is going my way, but that Elohim is taking me down a road where I can see that everything and everyone has a part and purpose in my continual growth in my walk with Messiah. And perhaps the same could be said of Megan, my sister.

The road ahead is marked with many a things, some good and some for our betterment. Nonetheless, it is for our good that all things occur in our lives, Yahweh intends to bring something awesome forth from all this. And so, let it be done. In Yeshua's name. Amen.

-Sunday, 3rd September 2017, 1 year 11 months 27 days, 2200

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