Monday 16 October 2017

Greatest Feeling

It's been really good. The fast this time has really been good. This fast for me has been one that has the breakthrough that I didn't know I wanted and yet I realise now days in that this is the most perfect breakthrough that I could have received in this due time and season. For a long time I have had a difficulty in putting a rein in on my emotions but now I've realised that they have been subdued and put under my authority as along with the rest of my body somewhat in the name of Yeshua. This was particularly a burden which I never knew I had and yet when I experienced the deliverance from it I have not felt ever this light and easy before.

This is perfect for me because now my mind has been completely cleared and focused upon the Lord Yeshua once more. Not that it isn't already but there is a change this time. I'm not exactly sure how to put it down into words but now it feels as my purposing of heart is exactly as what the Bible describes it to be: with all my heart, with all my mind, and with all my strength. In another word, I have been restored to how my fervour once was the very first time I came to this ministry before all sorts of matters and complications came into the equation. However, in this time I can add not an inexperience but rather all that I've learnt and learnt until this period of time can be used to reinforce and keep the fervour in place and to keep the fire alive and aflame.

There's not much else to write now besides the fact that I've experienced a breakthrough that I can never come back from ever again. Not in a bad way, but with this breakthrough my mind has never been clearer than now. I know what is needed to be done and this time, emotions will not hinder my walk any longer and neither any time soon. Praise Yahweh for such a glorious breakthrough and my prayer is that this will be but the start of many more incredible ones to follow in Yeshua's name. Amen

-Monday, 16th October 2017, 2 years 1 month 9 days, 2309

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