Monday 18 December 2017

Abiding in the Vine

The Young People's Camp titled 'Living As Sons of Elohim' have just ended and majority of the young people who were in attendance have already departed with a select few staying behind until the end of this year to participate in the non stop Bible reading marathon held in the various prayer houses around Malaysia. This was an entirely different camp from the usual norm, even from the get go. Firstly of course were the young people. This time around, we had real proper young people to attend the camp. Ranging from the age of 11-23, the oldest of our participants just so happens to be our staff and helpers who are serving there. Secondly, it was held this time at Semarak Revival Centre instead of its usual Glory Place Mantin and perhaps that that there is a change in the anointing of Yahweh for the seasons and times. This camp felt so very relaxed and chilled just like a seminar, even Pastor Jean herself humouredly referred to it as such in one occasion. The atmosphere is very peaceful and many of the young people really enjoyed themselves there at the camp especially during the worship. All I can say is that this camp has been very liberating, for me and for many more so in more ways than one. Praise Yahweh.

I've experienced many things during this camp. Dreams, visions, confirmation of the Word of Elohim, revelations but all this are simply experiential to me. What is far more endearing to me is that this camp has changed me. I don't know how or when but something has indeed changed from within and from within the without changes in accordance as well. During this camp, I've felt that there was an abiding between the Lord Yeshua and myself more so during this camp that I was not able to do usually during camps, seminars, and whatnot. Usually, I'd always find such a hunger to read and read the Word whenever the anointing is present but during this camp this particular anointing was withheld from me and another one was poured out upon me. I've felt the anointing to receive.

What do we mean when we say we want to live the life of the Son of Elohim? How do we do that? What is needed? And the answer that I found is simply to receive. Though this is but a simple revelation during this camp it became so profound and real to me. All I could do was to receive. It didn't matter whether I was lifting up my hands or even just sleeping but I was absolutely conscious that I was receiving at all times from the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. It was all I could do. I had so wanted to read the Word and continue from where I had left off but I simply couldn't, I just had to receive and received I did. Because of that, now that the camp is over I find that there has been a shift in the atmosphere around me. It feels lighter and somewhat airy if put into physical terms but more than that, I feel free. Much more free and liberated than how I was before the camp. Not just free, but free indeed.

The road leading up from henceforth appears to be marked with many an exciting prospects. However, I fully trust in my Messiah and am confident that in Him all things will continue to work together for His good which in turn is for my good. Amen, praise Yahweh. From this Young People's Camp, I am excited. Simply from the prospect that from now on nothing is ever going to be the same again, whether we want to admit it or not. That excites me, knowing that Elohim is indeed moving us from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of Yahweh. How radiant it is tonight.

-Monday, 18th December 2017, 2 years 3 months 11 days, 2353

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