Thursday 7 December 2017

Season of Change

The season is changing and perhaps the change that comes with this season is one that we may not expect but in premeditation it was within our scope of vision all along. Basically, this vision is fraught with many changes to come. Whether by situations or people I believe that now is the time to set our sights upon the Lord Yeshua Messiah because should we have our sights upon anything or anyone else besides our Lord then surely we invite sorrows upon sorrows upon ourselves.

There's not much else to write except that I am quite impressed with the moving of the Holy Spirit in these last days. What a way to close this present year and begin the new one. As we move into this season of many a changes, I find that the one Person I can cling onto Who never changes is simply the Lord Yeshua Messiah. Surely as I cling onto Him as a sash clings onto the waist of a man, I am safe beyond doubt. Come what may, I know that when I'm in Him and He in me it's all good. I know He has and will and is turning, turned all situations around for the good of they that love Him, they that are the called according to His purpose. Amen.

-Thursday, 7th December 2017, 2 years 3 months, 2334

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