Monday 4 December 2017


I've recently been sharing together with Megan the things which Yeshua is accomplishing in each of our lives and I am amazed to know that truly despite everything we may seem to see and hear, there is stable progress and growth amongst us. Even as we shared with each other our revelations and testimonies over chicken lunch, I found that that is the most enjoyable time for me: when instead of speaking of the things under the sun, we can speak of the Son. We speak the Word and it benefits us so much, if only we knew how much so.

Anyways, I've decided to share my revelation which I have received and have been asked to jot down. The revelation of living the life of the Son of Elohim. And though I have had the privilege of sharing but a small fraction of it, I realised that what I tried to convey in such a short amount of time was not enough to give the hearers understanding. This is an extensive one because I realise beforehand that everything pertaining to Elohim connects with one another in the Scriptures. Whether Old or New Testament, everything is interwoven with one another like chains. Thus, it is of the glory of Yahweh to conceal a matter and the glory of we kings to seek it out.

[Pro 25:2] It is the glory of Elohim to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

The revelation I received is actually quite simple: Messiah fills all and is in all and is in we all.

[Rom 11:36] For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

In Him we have everything but without Him we are nothing. I likened this to a man wearing a full costume from head to toe. You see, the costume is not alive by itself but appears to have some resemblance of life because of the man inside who animates it. It is his life that gives life to the costume. Without the man, the costume is dead. And even when the man is in the costume, unless the man moves only then does the costume move. The costume does not move by itself though it has the man inside. It moves when he moves and if he doesn't move it doesn't move as well. The life of the costume is tied solely to the life of the man inside. Without the man inside, the costume has no life. The same is shared when Messiah is in us. We no longer live, we have died and though we have been resurrected with new life the new life is Yeshua's, not ours.

[Gal 2:20] I am crucified with Messiah: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Messiah liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of Elohim, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.

Without Yeshua in us we can have no life in itself and the life which we have now is not on our part to do anything. We are but vessels of His power and glory and life more so. We cannot hope to live out the life of Messiah because only the Messiah can live out His own life through us. The same is applicable that I cannot live the life my sister has, though I may copy all I want about her I cannot hope to enter the ladies wash room because I'm not a girl. We can copy and try to live out the life of the Son of Elohim but in the end there are things we will find which we cannot do. The amazing news is that He can live out His life in and through us.

[Phi 2:13] For it is Elohim which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

Our minds must be changed and renewed to the point that we come to acknowledge that we have no part to play in the great will of Yahweh for humanity. There's nothing we add to Him and there's nothing we take from Him. Yahweh isn't greater all the more that we believe in Him, He never changes. He is always glorified and awesome and holy with or without us knowing it. The point also applies to our life of faith in His Son, Yeshua. We think that we can do many things for Him but the answer is no, we do not. All things that He wants to be done will be done with or without us present. And as we come to that mindset that truly it is not of us who plans or does anything, the burden is lifted from us.

[Rom 9:16] So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of Elohim that sheweth mercy.

Sometimes we are under bondage so many times because we take on so many problems and tasks at hand, to care for the body of Messiah when in fact Messiah Himself shall care for His own body. I believe that this is because we still think that we can do something. There's nothing I can do without Him present no matter how good or how godly it may seem. We see all these things as our own things and therefore the bondage is there because we see that this is our problems and our duties to fulfil. I've come to a point in my life where I found my walk has become increasingly lighter as the days go by because I see the problems that come my way as His problems and not mine. If it were mine, then I would have to wrack my brain to think of a solution to resolve each and every single one. But no, it's Elohim's problem and thus the resolving of each and every issue in my walk with Yeshua shall and is resolved by Him and not I.

Messiah fills all and is in all, whether good or bad. When we have a renewed mind according to Romans 12 then it is so that we may know but not do the perfect will of Elohim. Because it is not in our capabilities to fulfil the will of Elohim.
[Rom 12:2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of Elohim.

The works of Elohim are done by Elohim which is why they are called the works of Elohim. A renewed mind is made to prove and know the perfect will of Elohim and not to do them per se because it is no longer us who have any part to play in His master plan. His life in us fulfils His own will and purpose through us. That way from the conception of a good work or a thought to the manifestation of it Messiah fills all in all and man is nothing before Him. The only work ever mentioned to be done by the Lord Yeshua Himself was to believe on Him Whom the Father has sent.

[Joh 6:29] Yeshua answered and said unto them, This is the work of Elohim, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.

The works which we do are foreordained and prepared by Elohim Himself, and all we have to do is but to walk in willingly into them. Not to think of more things to be done or how it can be improved, it is prepared by Yahweh and thus shall be perfected in His due time. We are simply called to walk into them so that Yeshua in us may perform and do them through us and by the doing of it He receives the glory and not us because we know that we had no part to play whatsoever except to be there to witness the work being done in and through us.

[Eph 2:10] For we are His workmanship, created in Messiah Yeshua unto good works, which Elohim hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

All we are to do is to believe, walk into it, and witness the glory of Elohim being formed. The Holy Spirit shall take over and will cause faith to beget the works testifying of said faith in and through us. Many times we ourselves think to know better in the moment of time what ought to be done because of past experiences and whatnot but that is not the case with walking in the Spirit. We have no choice but to acknowledge Him in all our ways because only He knows the way to heaven because He is Elohim.

My life is light, though the road I walk may be narrow and difficult. Because it is not I who walk it but Messiah putting me on like a costume walks that road to heaven in and through me. So then, when immense problems or many a tasks come to hand I can smirk and enter them well. Because I know, I know that the problems are not my problems but His and thus He shall resolve them in and through me and receive all the glory because of it. The tasks are not mine but Elohim's so He shall take it over marvellously as always. It's not 'What can I do to solve this?' but 'What shall Yeshua do to solve through me?'

[Pro 3:6] In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

Do we really do that? Then shouldn't our lives be ever so free and light because He takes over? Why are we still so weighed down? Because we still see things as our things and have not committed them to Him. We are still alive carnally but when Galatians 2:20 takes its powerful work in us to manifest, then we'll begin to see that everything that we have, all the blessings, all the issues, all the ups and downs is not on us to manage because we've died and now our lives is Messiah. It's His things now, He shall deal with it in and through us and thus receive all the glory because we acknowledge Him. Praise Yahweh.

-Monday, 4th December 2017, 2 years 2 months 28 days, 2216

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