Friday 1 December 2017

New Season

The season has changed once more with the entry of the final month of 2017, and this time around it appears to me that the season is one of the outflow of the power of the Holy Spirit and life of Messiah Yeshua. Inasmuch as the previous season was of learning to be led by the Spirit, the time has come for practical steps forward with what we've been endowned and enabled with from above. How quaint and awesome Yeshua really is, for the desires of my heart which pertains to Himself He has fulfilled in me and now it is at last the time for the manifestation of the sons of Elohim in spirit, soul, and body. If the previous season was one of infilling this is the season of the out flowing of what is within us because as I was discussing with my friend, David that if there is no out flowing of every water then the water stagnates and dies in the well it accumulates in.

I am now seeing that everything in my life ties together with one another and everything is one way or another coming full circle. He that declares the end from the beginning has made such a marvellous work in my life that I stand before Him humbled at how He has put together all things for my betterment. With the construction of the new sanctuary under way I have been brought into many new experiences and jobs and almost every single one of them I have no experience nor knowledge whatsoever and yet I'm not one to shy away from such things. Because I know that what I go through now though it may be as though I stumble into the dark yet I have the light of the gospel of Messiah in me, and the Spirit of the living Elohim bringing said gospel into clarity for times and seasons. Needless to say that for every unexpected situation though I may not have the answer, but I have been taught that the answer comes from above and all I need to do is first step into unknown realms to see Messiah take me over.

The days ahead are exciting, because He has brought me into new things and newer experiences. Everything is coming to full throttle in this last month I so believe and it will only accelerate even further in the months and years to come. With every new challenge lies the prospect of greater breakthrough and anointing. Perhaps the issue that we receive so little from Elohim is because we ourselves are unwilling to give ourselves completely to Him for Him to work effectively through us for His own glory. That we are so comfortable in what we do that we give no leeway for the Holy Spirit to take us on divergent courses in which some actually leads us to a deeper depth of our relationship with Yeshua and His Spirit. We mayhaps are set in our routine in and out, day after day, that because of our love of tradition we in fact nullify the work of Elohim in us. To be led by Him is to be taken to where soever and whenever He pleases and when we do surrender to that, life becomes infinitely exciting. The monotonous daily life becomes one filled with much joy and anticipation as to what Yeshua shall do for the day for, in, and through us.

This is definitely such a season for me. And as it has begun, I am excited to see where He shall lead me. Praise Yeshua, how wonderful.

-Friday, 1 December 2017, 2 years 2 months 24 days, 0124

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