Sunday 31 December 2017

2017 Past

New Year's Day, 2018. It was short, 2017. And perhaps this year will be even shorter still in light of the coming of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. But what this year brings is new beginnings. New, fresh things that we've yet to see and now I believe that it will come to pass. Just as last year was the time of much moulding, I believe that even with the beginning of today new things will begin to arise not just in the lives of individuals but mayhaps the entirety of the body of Messiah Himself. It most certainly is for me, even from this first day of the year I can already sense from the deep recesses of my being that it's going to be much different than the year before it. Such a prospect excites simply because it goes to show that the journey in Messiah is anything but monotonous. It is simply exhilarating to be found in His will because we will never be found unsatisfied.

Looking back for 2017 I found satisfaction of life everlasting. Many desire many things but what I wanted was quite simple to begin with: contentment with Yeshua. And that was exactly what I received and got for this past year. All that I have experienced and gone through for 2017 truly was good in the eyes of Elohim towards me and He was truly gracious in leading me through each and every single moment to where I am now. Even at this moment, I find myself lacking the words to properly describe how last year was magnificently wrought for me in Yeshua and because I found Yeshua, I found all that I need, want, and more so. It has been a good year, but nonetheless the new year brings about an even greater outpouring and blessing with it alongside its accompaniment of obstacles and challenges to breakthrough. None of these move me to mouse away, rather I am quite excited at the idea of more breakthrough at the price of overcoming.

The new day has come and with it, new things. I am content, happy. Not because I have what I need and want though I do, but because Yeshua is now with and in me that I am content. What more do I want when I can partake of fullness every single day from henceforth? However, that doesn't mean that I've been made perfect yet. There are still many areas that need the powerful hand of Messiah on me but I've given myself to Him, it shall be resolved in their due times and measures. Though I am imperfect yet He makes me perfect through my imperfections. How wonderful the Elohim I serve is that I just can't help but to speak of His praise all the day.

[Psa 50:15] And call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.

[Psa 71:8] Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise and with Thy honour all the day.


-Monday, 1st January 2018, 2 years 3 months 25 days, 0346

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