Friday 5 January 2018

Psalm 138:8

It's about a week since the new year and now everything is rolling like never before. New things are happening left, right, and centre. Places to be, things to be done; everything and everyone is spinning like a top on overdrive and if I should stop and consider then my mind would melt with just the magnitude of how much we're handling at the moment. And yet I did, and I found the workload though is plenty in variance is not much work per se as we once believed. Yahweh is good, really in that He has allowed me to be involved in so many different areas for many things pertaining especially to next month's prayer advance to come. This is a steep learning curve but learning curve nonetheless and I am excited to learn. For in learning we will teach, and in teaching we will learn.

Firstly, there's the farm at Glory Place Mantin. The place needs to be spruced up in time for the upcoming prayer advance next month and with the progress we are making with the help of many hands and helpers we are right on track though it may seem otherwise. At least to me, we are on track and it will undoubtedly be beautiful by the time February rolls in. Also, the trees are bearing fruits once more and from the looks of it, all of their seasons so happen to coincide with the upcoming event either before or during it. Ciku, nangka, breadfruit, bananas, papayas, rambutans, and who knows what else. I've yet to scour entirely the place but it is already looking ever so bountiful in that regard.

Secondly, recording of the new album for the upcoming prayer advance. We had just begun this week and yet by the grace of Yeshua Messiah upon us we have managed to show that all it takes it simply the anointing to flow to craft not performances but songs of worship and praise. Comments are varied concerning this but I stand my ground on the sense that this is an album that emphasizes throne room worship and so it ought to be worshipfully crafted over professionalism although I do not completely disregard the latter, it plays a role in all these. I am hopeful and really excited to see just exactly what songs shall be chosen for this album, although having heard but a few from the short list I can tell that the anointing for this album will be something the likes of which might even eclipse Heavenly Jerusalem should it be done in right manner, which is of course Yeshua first, work second.

Thirdly, if there's even such a word; registration for the prayer advance. Not much is known really but this is the first time I'm waist deep involved with it. Not knowing what ought to be done is quite the conundrum but I know that just like the rest of my work, the Holy Spirit will indubitably take over all things.

Fourth, the upcoming Glory Place website. Though this was started much earlier, it's now entering its final phases and is expected to launch something soon I so hope. I am quite pleased with the way it turned out, honestly. I had expected it to be much more complicated than what I had gone through and though it was in some aspects, its complications were within my level of understanding so praise Yahweh for that. Seriously, I doubt that if Yahweh did not have a hand in it that it wouldn't have turned out as nicely as it did. Praise Yahweh as well for the team involved because they have been a great boon to me, especially since they knew what they were doing and I was the one who was learning the ropes from them all.

Fifth, compiling photos, videos, recordings and keeping track of them. Not a difficult task at all, frankly speaking. I quite enjoy doing just that. And everything is up to track and on schedule, although I have yet to give it another routine check for a while. Perhaps I should do that soon...

That about sums up whatsoever I have on my plate and it is delicious to the taste. What may seem unappealing we may never know unless we taste it first hand. Praise Yahweh, seriously. I am looking forward to the many breakthroughs and miracles which shall be wrought through each and every work which I have placed my hand into. It shall indeed become a pool of water and a spring.

[Psa 84:5-7] Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them. Who passing through the valley of Baca (Weeping) make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before Elohim.

[Psa 84:8-9] O YAHWEH Elohim of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O Elohim of Jacob. Selah. Behold, O Elohim our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed.

-Saturday, 6th January 2017, 2 years 3 months 30 days, 0349

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