Wednesday 10 January 2018

In Fastings Often

We have begun the 3 days of corporate fasting and praying for the staff and helpers for this year and yet for me, there is an added incentive. Pastor Jean has recently asked us to start a chain fast of 3 days per person as the rest of the other ministries are ongoing and so we have begun since last week and soon enough it'll be my turn for it. Thankfully, this is but once every three months supposedly since we'll have to cycle through each and every single helper and staff there at Glory Place Mantin so supposing that we have 30 people, there months have already been covered.

Hoh, things are really moving along into something new even at the beginning of this year. I'm not a fan of fasting but I am a fan of the breakthroughs that come as soon as the fasting is over, so I'm caught in betwixt two. But I find that the longer I stay on in this ministry, the more I learn how to cast aside mine own opinions for the will and purpose of my Heavenly Father to go through unobstructed. I'm really looking forward to my turn to fast for 3 days which is coming up quite fast. Looking forward to Yahweh taking over and completely turning my expectations on its own head. Something new and exciting is on the horizon and it is our privilege to bear witness to it.

Other than that there really is nothing much at the moment going on. Despite the workload given to me, it's not a problem because it's not a problem to begin with. Also, I've learnt how to easily get through each and every situation I'm in and come out on top, riding on the high hills and that is simply by transferring the yoke over to Yeshua. He did ask after for it after all.

[Mat 11:28-30] Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.

And how true are His promises which He makes good in their due times and seasons. Having learnt to allow Elohim to be the Elohim of all my situations, the situations become His and it becomes His solutions to problems so ultimately, He gets the glory. Messiah fills all in all. Hence, the work which I am currently involved in is not a burden so long as I remember that it's not my weight to bear though it is my responsibility. With that, I'll end today's writings. Until the time when there is breakthrough I suppose...

-Wednesday, 10th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 3 days, 2325

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