Monday 15 January 2018


It's been a while since I've published anything and I've just been ruminating and pondering over what exactly the Lord Yeshua has in store for me and for each of us in this season and time of the new year. And perhaps with the way things have been turning out so I truly do believe and agree that this year will be the breakout and the breakthrough for prayer and intercession to take place. After calling upon the name of Yahweh and of the Lord Yeshua Messiah for all these times I can practically sense that this year will be the year that no more shall His words be delayed but they all have their fulfilments in sight. I've heard before from one of my brothers during 1st service that we are living in the generation of the sixth seal where many signs in the heavens and the earth are and has been taking place but now I believe it's time for the seventh seal to be opened.

(Revelation 8:1-6. It's pretty long so I won't put it here but I'll give a summary of it.)

Revelation 8 talks about the seventh seal being broken and silence in heaven taking place for half an hour. The seven angels with seven trumpet judgements prepared themselves to sound and after that an angel of Yahweh came with a censer into the temple, took the incense of the golden bowls which came before Elohim which signifies the prayers of His saints. He took that incense into the censer and filled the censer with fire as well and threw it to the earth where a mighty earthquake took place. And right after that, the seven angels sounded. Isn't it powerful? Doesn't it stir you up to think about the significance of what this passage of Scripture actually means?

To what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, often times when we pray we get no answer neither response nor fulfilment of any sorts of the things which we have prayed unto the Heavenly Father, hence the silence. But now is the time where all the prayers, which immediately ascends to Elohim by the way; is now being thrown down unto the earth together with the fire from heaven. Our prayers are and soon being answered and in such a way that the moment it touches earth a mighty earthquake will take place. Perhaps this passage speaks about a physical manifestation of a time to come but for me I see it as both literal and spiritual for we the people of Yahweh in Yeshua Messiah. This is the year and the time where everything will come to its fulfillment and our prayers will carry weight and fire and shall be answered mightily by Elohim with such an impact likened unto an earthquake.

I believe that this year we shall see things the likes of which has never before been seen nor heard before but only we who have been graciously given such a privilege to be alive in these final generations to bear witness to the reality and manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on earth. This will be the point where everything will begin to come full circle and where every prayer made unto Yahweh by the Holy Spirit by those who are Messiah Yeshua's shall culminate. For that, I'm excited and I'm ever so privilege to be around to see all this. Suppose I were still in the world, this would surely pass me by. But because of His great love and mercy upon me, the Lord Yeshua has separated me from the world unto Himself that I should cleave to Him and see the fulfillment of every Scripture concerning Himself.

[Luk 24:44] And He said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me.

And in these days surely all things are and shall be. Amen.

-Tuesday, 16th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 9 days, 0340

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