Wednesday 17 January 2018

Next Step

We are well into the year 2018 and now as I look back I can find that there's nothing left for me to hold onto. It feels as though everything of the past years that I've accumulated and acquired is slipping out of my hands like water and there's nothing left for me to hold onto except my foundation and cornerstone. Revelations, blessings, anointings, all these and more are becoming less and less relevant to me in the sight of what Elohim desires to do for this year. This year, I know what must be done and because of it there is a need to remain focused and always set our sights on Yeshua as the Author and Finisher of our faith.

New beginnings are upon us and thus the old must be washed away and never to resurface again in the light of greater things to come, to be done by Yahweh by the Holy Spirit through and in us. For me, as I ponder about what is to come I find that everything that I've known and come to know is slowly but surely slipping away and I can no longer put my trust in those things which I used to know. It's become as though a strange thing and a stranger to me, I put no confidence in such matters neither people I do not know. Everything that I've accumulated up till this point, though it might seem as many as one can possibly fathom; is so little and insignificant to what Yahweh desires to pour out not just to me but to all of us for this year. It feels as though I've only just begun my walk once more and perhaps so, but on a different plane and level higher than before.

I am reminded what a great man of Elohim once said that everyday there is a need to remind ourselves that we begin fresh with the Lord Yeshua. What He has done yesterday will not be the same as what He will do today and because of that there must come a mentality to lay down all one has attained to yesterday in the hope of richer things of today. I can't remember who it was that said that and I'm merely paraphrasing but that is all true to me. I found that this year I cannot hope to progress further unless I surrender all to the Holy Spirit. And because I do that then I will receive much more than my heart or mind can fathom which Messiah is just waiting to unleash upon me.

So I have and I found that my ties to the past have been severed. Not that it's gone forever but that I can no longer put my confidence in whatsoever I've learnt in the past years in light of the newer and greater things to come. The past is past and the present be a gift to me from Messiah Yeshua and not just for me but for all of us who are in Him. Life in Messiah, true resurrection life in Him has just begun and it is my privilege to be not just a witness but a partaker of it. I look forward to the infinitely greater things You have promised in Your Word towards me, my Lord Yeshua. You are my Elohim and I am Your son because of Yeshua. Hallelujah, praise Yeshua.

-Thursday, 18th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 11 days, 0104

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