Monday 25 December 2017

Stronghold of Dogma

You know, looking back at the year that has passed already I'm actually really contented with how thing have transpired until this very moment in time. True, there were many a times of going up and down but ultimately I see all roads lead to the same path in Yeshua Messiah: upwards. I'm really, really satisfied with how this year turned out because it was truly beyond my expectations and because it was beyond my expectations there were many times I was simply awed at the simplicity and powerful manifestation of the Word of Elohim in my life. I am truly glad at this moment and am very expectant as to what the new year holds not just for me alone but for all of us who are in Messiah's body.

Just recently as I had a wedding dinner to attend together with my family, I stayed in CRC in the meantime. During that time, my father and I usually have our talks about our different paths of life in life and how, but it would mostly be mine; our progress in Yahweh is. Whether it is producing the fruits worthy of it or not. And during this time, the Holy Spirit spoke very clearly to me, I have strongholds in my mind. At the time, I was perplexed because I had taught that Yeshua had removed the majority of the major powers in my mind and that I was set free. It turns out we all could always be more set free. The stronghold which He revealed to me was the accumulation of the many revelations, blessings, miracles, and joys in Elohim that I had attained to during this year. When He spoke thus, clarity came to me and I understood exactly why such things can become a stronghold for me.

Many times, we each have been given a special revelation for a specific season of time and it sticks with us. It becomes a part of us, interweaving dogma. Our lives are built upon all these revelations which over the span of days, weeks, months, years Yahweh has been revealing to us and it becomes a lifestyle for us. It is a good thing to be sure but there is a flip side, sometimes we become so set in our ways that it leaves little room for greater things to be poured out unto us from heaven above. And so, by the grace of Elohim upon me He has so desired that I should be free to receive more from Him and I shall and I am. After spending a while to just tear down the strongholds in the mind in the name of Yeshua, I was set free and I am pleased to inform that whatsoever was creeping upon my mind has lifted off. It's as though it has become a clean slate for the new year ahead and it's many showers of blessings.

Of all that we have received, we must be ever willing to lay it down back at the altar when the time comes else we will not be able to progress a step further. Even the blessings, the anointings, the gifts, the joys that we have attained to must all become lost for a greater anointing to begin to flow. It is a step of glory to glory after all. We wouldn't want to be found at the base of the ladder when the time comes, no, we'd rather be climbing one ring up another and that in turn means being prepared to lose your footing on the previous step to plant yourselves on the new. Now, I am very expectant because of all the blessings Yeshua has given and shown me now I see a far greater glory which shall be revealed in me and us altogether in the year to come. Glorious day, and with such a breakthrough we can begin the Bible reading marathon together once more. A glorious day indeed. Praise Yahweh.

-Tuesday, 26th December 2017, 2 years 3 months 19 days, 0055

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