Saturday 27 January 2018

Death and Life

There really isn't anything specific right now to write or to update concerning all this. Well, I say that but everything's been taking place and shifting like nobody's business for the past couple of days. However, I am unmoved but such things because such things have no need of moving me thus. It is after all, in the course of our walk with Messiah that one day we will soon meet with Him and mayhaps for some of us sooner than we think. Honestly, we've been thoroughly warned of all this time and time again so it ought no to come as such a surprise and yet it does. To me, it goes to show that what we've been hearing is nothing but superficial stuff, everything on the surface with no real depth to it and that in turn just turns me off.

Our friend Rachel has gone home to the Lord above. After having such a mighty uprooting of sorts in her life, both physically and spiritually she has moved on to the greatest glory: to be with Yeshua until eternity comes. How glorious and wonderful that is and yet many of us are taken aback but such events. How so? Such is our course of our walk as I've noted down, and surely it ought not come as such a surprise that even the young does the Lord calls home to be with Him. I've got this feeling that many of us think we are invincible, which I will not refute for the time being due to the fact that I will need to write even more to explain it but many of the young people think that we cannot go off until we are surely in our later years. And yet, such an even testifies to our faces that we do not really understand just how sudden the coming of the Lord Yeshua shall be, in like manner as such.

Honestly, having witnessed so many already I've grown quite accustomed to the passing of many of my brothers and more so sisters in Messiah unto Himself. This ministry that I am in gives me the opportunity to witness the last moments before they go and I can bear witness to how they go, whether up or down. Mostly up though, praise Yahweh for that. When I had heard of Rachel passing into the hands of the Lord there wasn't a need to shake and stir myself to mourn and sorrow because as I see it, she stood everything to gain more so than myself in the current time. She has at last entered the eternal rest promised by our Elohim to which we who are alive are given but a foretaste but those gone to Him forever and ever. So, I have this peace within me that keeps me. A peace that surpasses all understanding that garrisons my heart and mind in Messiah Yeshua.

I can't begin to reiterate that such things are common to men and as such there is no need to be surprised at the passing of some and the birth of many more to come. As Yahweh takes away we can be sure that He shall also give in perhaps the same and yet much more abundant measures. In all this, the need to press forward all the more is evident now more so than before. Our friend has been promoted to glory, now the race continued and we ought to not lag behind but show the same diligence as in the days of old. Praise Yahweh.

-Saturday, 27th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 20 days, 1735

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