Sunday 28 January 2018

Satisfaction Guaranteed

A real work is going on for each of us in this season of the Holy Spirit. And I've realised that even as the same Spirit works mightily in each of us, yet because of our intricate uniqueness that Yahweh had made us the fruits which we all yield are wonderfully differing from one another. And perhaps that is a good thing, not all are teachers and not all are prophets. The whole body does not compromise of just hands and feet but also eyes and ears and a mouth. What I'm trying to say is that there is a mighty working of the Holy Spirit in this time for each of us that we can expect something to shift and take place which will soon shift us out of our comfort and into the consoling arms of our Heavenly Father. There is but one fruit but comprising of many different facets and parts of the Holy Spirit so we can expect to bear the same fruit but not necessarily the same facets of it. I'm beginning to learn that we ought not to expect others to become like us, that in itself is but pride and arrogance but we can come to expect those who truly are seeking Yeshua to become like Yeshua. After all, no longer us that liveth but Messiah Who liveth in us.

All these ponderings have got me thinking about what exactly it means to bear good fruit. It is of the nature of the plant to yield its fruit after its kind but ultimately for those that are in vineyards and groves they are in the hands of the Husbandman. He takes care and nurtures the vineyard that it may bear more fruit. With every branch that yields fruit He prunes that it may bear more than before. Such is the case with us and out Heavenly Father.

Anyways these are the times that I believe that we are really experiencing something beyond what we can comprehend or even understand. At least for me, the work which the Holy Spirit is doing in my life thus far is removing every layer of the past years of all that I've accumulated in favour of newer and greater things I have yet to know and am slowly coming to know. As He gives, He has the same power to take away but yet it does not mean He is not to be blessed but more so than ever before. He removes the former so that the latter may be glorious indeed and that is coming true for me in Yeshua's name. What I've been experiencing thus far is such a peace as I've never known it before. If I can make an allegory:

[Isa 48:18] O that thou hadst hearkened to My commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea:

It's a flowing peace that causes me to know that I am truly satisfied in Him and that I have no lack when I'm with Him. And such a peace is even now running like a river in my life. I am satisfied like never before, and such satisfaction I can never receive had I not first learnt to let go so that I may receive more. Praise Yahweh.

-Monday, 29th January 2018, 2 years 4 months 22 days, 1701

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