Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Not Being Weak

It's always times when Yahweh rocks my boat that I always find solace and comfort in His Word because His Word tells me exactly what needs to be done and then is confirmed soon after. This is truly an exciting season to put my trust in Yahweh Elohim for all things. Knowing soon that many things will be shifting and taking place unlike that which has since happened. And now I find that the more we approach the final days before Yeshua returns I find that there is a lack in the competence of myself and that is a good thing. Not in the sense that I can't do many things because now in my youth I can because Elohim has thus empowered me by His Spirit but simply I have come to understand I simply stand because He causes me to stand. It's not in me who runs nor works but simply because of Him Who shows me mercy and His favour.

And so, I'm coming to this point in time where I can only see Yeshua as the only answer to everything. I've got a lack? Yeshua. I'm injured or in pain? Yeshua. I need or desire anything? Yeshua. I've a problem that I need to discuss with? Yeshua. Yeshua, Yeshua, everything Yeshua and because it's Yeshua everything really is resolved. I see the miraculous because I put my trust in the Most High. And doubtless it shall be the same for any and all situations. I thus strengthen myself in the Lord Yeshua Messiah. And surely I shall see His glory when His promise comes tried and true to me, not just for one single situation but for all of it.

Why am I writing this? Perhaps now is the time to remember the greatness of the Elohim Whom I serve and worship. And surely now I am reminded. Sometimes when we pray we bend down and thus our views become filled with the things beneath our concerns. Rarely do we look up and see the things that Elohim has prepared for them that love Him. And such bountiful things they are. Yes, this is truly the time where instead of faith dwindling but like Abraham; faith shall be strengthened in the season of waiting and more so. Praise Yahweh for His Word once more, it truly brings clarity to many and all situations.

-Thursday, 29th Marcch 2018, 2 years 6 months 21 days, 0027

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