Monday 2 April 2018

Freedom to Live

Honestly it's as though that now I have no care in the world because I've left it all unto my Divine Father to manage and keep me on track on time. And because of that I am able to enjoy every and all moments that come my way. True, not all moments are sweet like sugar but often times are bitter but they are well needed to keep in check that I don't go on a sugar rush and meddle with the awesome plans of Yahweh for me. I'm speaking in figurative language and using sugary words but what I mean to get across to the reader is that there is no better place you can be than in the rest of Elohim. To allow Him to truly be the One Who moves and lives through us. We are the vessels holding the waters of life from heaven. Though we bear the glory of Yahweh we do not receive the glory because of it but Yahweh receives the glory due. Just as how when we are thirsty we drink the cold waters from a cup, we much rather give thanks for the refreshing water than for the cup that bears it. The cup served its right purpose and so do we. We are the bearers of the true light and life that comes from heaven and returns there inevitably. We are the carriers of Messiah's glory made manifest for the world to see and so it requires that we lay down to rest ourselves so that only Messiah may manifest and not we.

I am very satisfied right now. Riding back home to Semarak and then to Glory Place Mantin there is just this sense of satisfaction that I very often experience. A feeling of great contentment that comes from fully accomplishing something although I did nothing. But I find that what I did accomplish is the will of Elohim, yet not I; Yeshua in me Who fully carried out the will of Yahweh through me being still and allowing Him free reign to do so. And because of that, I enter His rest and experience the fullness of all His promises and all the goodness of being in His house carries with it. I truly am very glad to be in the house of Yahweh and to serve Him all the days of my brief life here. He has blessed me so much that when I remember even of His goodness just today, it is so numerous and wonderful that I can scarcely contain this bubbling of satisfaction and warmth flowing inside me.

This is the time where the young people reach a threshold. To enter into the promised rest His way or risk entering the bloody way. Through many dangers, toils, snares, and wiles of the enemy awaiting those who do not come to grasp that without Yeshua they can do nothing. Absolutely nothing, no; not even the simplest things such as getting up early and even to have a good night's rest. There's nothing if not Yeshua first. And now is the time for those who have understood this to truly experience life of heaven on earth because to them, nothing can go wrong. All roads lead back to Yeshua Messiah. All roads no matter how dark lead back into the light in the end for those who continue walking in the faith of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. And what was His faith?

[Phi 2:8-9] And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore Elohim also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name:

Yeshua Messiah...

-Tuesday, 3rd April 2018, 2 years 6 months 27 days, 0110

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