Saturday, 21 April 2018

Glorious and Heavenly

The Heavenly Harp School has just finished and it was tremendous. The breakthroughs given were many and abounding to many more and the presence of Yahweh was tangibly felt from the beginning right until the end. It was truly a powerful, awesome time and it was my privilege to be able to bear witness to the work which Elohim is doing in the midst of the churches. How Messiah is drawing those who hunger after His Word and after His presence so deeply into Himself. Many people experienced a deeper level of intimacy and worship like never before, and many more have truly understood that this worship on the harp really is Yahweh's desired way of worship inasmuch as it is in spirit and truth.

I've already shared on the first day and yet the breakthroughs continued to flow in like a massive tsunami, shaken by the presence of Yahweh to us. Needless to say, inasmuch as I prepared myself to experience and to witness what Yeshua wants to do I found that it was still lacking. I was not fully prepared to how vast the scope of the breakthrough would be. The people are so hungry for the Word of Elohim and for His presence that as soon as the sessions were over the book and shirt counters were flooded with people eager to learn and buy so much so that for many CDs and books and shirts we have reached a complete exhaustion of stock supplies and had to request for Semarak to send us more in the days to come. I was really excited about that.

Perhaps one can say personally that my breakthrough came during the Friday overnight there. As we were worshipping I could sense such a presence of Elohim coming down upon us all, taking us to a higher level of worship. That only escalated further when we altogether worshipped on the harp Isaiah 6. Worship team and participants included. At that moment when we were all worshipping together for that song, I sensed such an immense glory of Yahweh filling the place and the people. It was like I was taken up into heaven and right there now before His throne worshipping Him. Absolutely glorious. From then the worship just progressed and progressed on and before you know it, 4 hours of non stop worship had elapsed. Truly the work of Elohim alone in my books.

All in all, it was truly a great and awesome time that churches from around KL gathered together to truly desire something greater of substance from Yeshua and many of them, if not all received it as per their desires and much more beyond that. I was most blessed to be able to be a part of this and to bear witness to the work of Yahweh in the lives of His people, bringing them back to true worship in the Spirit into the very heavens itself. I really enjoyed myself, really so. Praise Yahweh for such an experience but now I know that it is yet much more on my part that I must continue with what He has blessed me and given unto me. It's time to press on towards the goal. Praise Yeshua.

-Saturday, 21st April 2018, 2 years 7 months 14 days, 2312

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