Wednesday 25 April 2018

In Weakness Rejoice

It's been a while since I had last written, perhaps I've been starting my blog posts to many a times with that phrase. Hmm, no matter; at everyday and every moment I thank Yahweh that I am constantly under His watchful gaze and care. That constantly as He brings me higher and higher into the heavens He as well keeps me grounded and humbled by many a circumstance around me. I just had another quarrel with my sister, Megan even over something so obscenely petty. Simple mispoken words and we both somewhat spiralled out of control. She taking up the defensive and I recalling back the times this has all happened. Honestly, it's all very petty and pointless to argue so much about this because I at least know that such is normal even between families. I have not known a family where everything is fine and dandy all the time, there will always be times where we will butt heads with one another and that's truly the times where we come to know someone more than just their outlying expressions and faces. It's good, I always see that whatsoever comes my way is for my good and because of that I can always remain joyful in praise and in worship to Yeshua because of it.

I won't dwell on it too much now. After having been in the presence of Yahweh for my time of the morning watch with some of the boys I find it such a burden to continue remembering such things. I'd rather soon forget all this and perhaps that in itself is one of the many blessings Yahweh has given and taught to me. Carrying such burdens even for more than a day already weighs heavy upon me and yet I know of people doing thus for years upon years. Why? It's such an arduous task and it gives no benefit whatsoever. This in itself is truly a blessing that Elohim has given to me in that I realise that I needn't carry such needless burdens and weights and that in the name of Yeshua I can easily remove them and needn't even remember it. It truly is a blessing but whenever I come into such arguments with my sister this becomes my disadvantage.

Well, I don't really care. In the end, all this is not even worth mentioning to anyone but that the reader may know that man is not perfect, myself surely more so. And yet Yeshua gives all the more grace in that He still perfects us who are set apart to Him. It's then that I come to understand, I'm simply here because of Him. I stand because of Messiah Yeshua in me and working through me. And my faults, my mistakes, my weaknesses all serve as a reminder that just as I cannot save myself He has already saved me. My wrongs point me to His glorious life and because of that I can be glad. I am always reminded of His awesome grace and mercy in my life even through my daily failings, mistakes, and inactions taken. So that truly in all, ALL things Messiah fills all in all to His glory. Praise Yeshua.

-Thursday, 26th April 2018, 2 years 7 months 19 days, 0335

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