Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Day 3 of 3

Perhaps this is the way to top off our trip to Port Dickson, by visiting the lighthouse perched by the seaside and to watch the sunset. It really is glorious, not just the sunset but to see the sea and how vast it really is. It puts into perspective that everything that we hold dear can sometimes be as insignificant as a drop in the sea. Much more in the eyes of our Heavenly Father where even nations however large and cumbersome they are are just a drop in a bucket to Him. Our problems in the grand scheme of it all are meaningless and hardly worth noting when compared to the glory which shall be and even now is being revealed in each of us through Messiah. Honestly, looking at the sea has made me quite contemplative of sorts. But the trek here were quite the up winding road.

We are about to head home to both Semarak and Mantin and it doesn't pain me to leave here, for I know that should Elohim be willing we will return yet again and if not He is all the more gracious for something far more incredible than all these. It has been an enjoyable three days here at Port Dickson where ultimately I finally managed to catch up on some reading time of the Word of Elohim which was well needed. This trip has been wonderful and perhaps if Elohim wills it I would like to bring the boys here one day as well to unwind and to just soak themselves here in the presence of Yahweh in Port Dickson. The sun is setting, the night sky is turning up and more so there is nobody and nothing around me save the quiet humming of the lighthouse and the occasional chirps of swallows around the trees near me. The presence of our Lord Yeshua Messiah is here too and that makes this trip worth noting and remembering. Though I know deep within that whatsoever I have experienced, even greater things await me in the days to come. Such that even I cannot imagine. Praise Yahweh. For His mercy endures forever.

-Wednesday, 30th May 2018, 2 years 8 months 23 days, 1903

1 comment:

  1. I believed you're right. Take the boys there and let them experience the love of Elohim. Do it, son!?
