Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Day Two of 3

The second day here at Port Dickson is winding down and I am all the more enjoying myself here at this prayer house. It's simply just me and Yeshua for the entirety of the day and that encompasses so much more than what I can imagine to do here. I had plans to go out to many places to take a gander at but in the end, it was so much more fulfilling staying back here at the prayer house to just read the Bible and to just wait upon Him. I am so content with this and this only serves to prove that all one needs is not many activities but simply the presence of Yahweh and the leading of the Holy Spirit and the Word of Elohim; fullness right there.

Just recently I went out for a prayer drive around the town and that too was very fulfilling to my spirit man. I cannot express to the reader right now just how much I am enjoying my time here though it may not seem like I'm going many places nor doing many things. I realise that I don't have to in order to have a good time, fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore are at the right hand of Yahweh and all it takes for us is to tap into His presence and then we can really enjoy ourselves in Him. My schedule here is really irregular in the sense that I sleep late at around 5am, wake up around afternoon and just to read the Bible and nap and eat until it is early morning once more. That's really all there is to it and that is already such a contentment for me.

The second day is passed and now we enter the third and final day of our stay here at Port Dickson. Time flows like a river here and it really zooms past like nobody's business. Having read chunks of the Word of Elohim I find myself filled like how one would be filled with food physically, I too am filled spiritually by reading much of His Word. And yet, there is still a longing for yet more. I want more and with the time blessed me I shall have my heart's desire. This is the time for me to unwind and at the same moment to prepare myself for yet greater things not just for this week presently but also for times to come, however near or distant it may be. Perhaps one day I may, Elohim willing; bring the boys here as well just to rest in the prayer house and enjoy themselves in the town of Port Dickson, surely they'll love that. I know I would, of course Elohim willing...

-Wednesday, 30th May 2018, 2 years 8 months 23 days, 0131

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