Saturday, 5 May 2018

Spiritual Disciplines

You know, as I ponder more and more about how to be even more spiritually minded both in life and mind I find that it really takes less of the talk and more of the walk. I've got no place to speak spiritual things if I myself first do not walk down the same path. So I find that the more spiritual the road becomes the more the walk and talk becomes real. What I mean is that I find myself speaking less about the spiritual matters but living and experiencing more of what I've once spoken of before. This season for me is not where I'm meant to speak so much but rather to absorb, refined, and moulded into something and someone that Messiah the Master would find to truly be sanctified and useful for His purposes.

I'm not really sure how to put what I'm experiencing into words but I find that my talk and daily going ons with the boys under and around me have become quite real. That's no point to talk spirituality when first the life is not spiritually disciplined. So in the various jobs and duties given to us I maintain a real connection with them, not to exalt myself or lord it over them but rather I find myself just speaking real things with them. What I mean by that is that many times I would tell them what we would be doing for today, and slowly coach and show them how this also gives spiritual refinement to the spirit man. Take throwing rubbish for example, simple no? But if left aside for even more than two days and it piles high. Inasmuch as cleaning out surroundings as well takes an everyday reminder and practice, it breeds spiritual discipline I find and in my humble opinion works far better in regards than just fasting.

Spiritual discipline equates a proper growing soil for the Word and Spirit of Elohim to fully grow and develop within a person. And because of that I find that my life is somewhat full of many and various disciplines of Yahweh upon me. Situations, people, occasions, teachings, even the simplest duties I see now instill and distil spiritual discipline. And that's good. One cannot hope to reign over spirits oppressing man when one's own spirit is not in subjection to ourselves in Yeshua Messiah.

[1Co 9:27] But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

[1Co 14:32] And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.

Entering the seminar "Waiting Upon Yahweh" next week, I'm excited. Not only because I'm experiencing new parts of the seminar like never before, but also because I can tell from the offset that something is different from my involvement in it. This is not to boast or to brag about but because it is the Lord's work in and through every one of us. Where we go, we make the difference and change the situations, not the other way around. I am fully confident in the fact that I am indeed the son of Elohim through faith in the Messiah Yeshua and because I am His son I bring His blessing and presence wherever I go. It may not feel like it, I may not even do that but nonetheless because I believe it is done in Yeshua's name.

The same goes for all of us, we are the blessings of heaven to the earth. And I find that inasmuch as Elohim has loaded upon me all His promised benefits from Genesis to Revelation, it is all mine; there needs to be a reigning in of my own spirit so that I would not fall by the same path of pride and arrogance. It's ever so easy to become conceited with what Yahweh has blessed us with and so I thank Yahweh that He rarely leaves me long enough to gloat in myself. With every blessing He brings as well a humbling, a teaching and because of that I am grounded somewhat in Him. Such is the mercy and grace of the Elohim Whom I serve in and with my spirit.

The seminar's going to be awesome, something amazing is bound for us. Praise Yahweh.

-Saturday, 5th May 2018, 2 years 7 months 28 days, 1718

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