Wednesday, 20 June 2018


It has been a very long time since I had last blogged. More than ten days even but that is of course due to the Young People's Camp which has just finished a few days ago and now we are ever moving on. Back to the routine of things but yet I must remind it's not a grind nor is it monotonous but I always find the work however same it may be day in and day out will always be different because of the Holy Spirit Who is leading and guiding me through every work at hand each day. Anyways I don't think I will write particularly long, Elohim willing for this post but instead just paste my thoughts here...

Many things are happening in my life particularly. I will not specify but I find that everything spoken over me either by situations, friends, family, or even pastor mayhaps is coming to pass. Surely this is nought but the power of the words spoken by the sons of Elohim over one another. Many great and wonderful things are taken place for me in the near and distant future but I find that such things are not my concern per se. Hold on, it feels as though I've written about this kind of thing multiple times before and perhaps even told the reader to go back and look at them to know more. Hmmm...
Anyways, everything that has been revealed to me has not caught me off handed but rather I expected them because I knew from Whom I have heard first and foremost about all this from. You'd be surprised as to just how much the Holy Spirit is revealing to me about situations, peoples and things even through situations, peoples and things. This has become quite a regular thing for me now because I found out the secret. All it takes is to know in Whom we trust. Sure, we can all say that we know Who we trust in but just how much do we know about Him? It's completely a different thing when one knows about someone and to know intimately the same. To know not from mind to mind but from heart to heart. But for us it is beyond even that, it is spirit to Spirit and can only be spirit to Spirit and no other way.

There's so much more to speak of but I desire to first gather my thoughts concerning this before I share of it. After all, it is once again my turn to share for this week...

-Thursday, 21st June 2018, 2 years 9 months 14 days, 0244

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