Saturday, 4 August 2018

Towards Great Prizes; Continuation

The journey to Haikou, Hainan has begun and it is already turning into quite the exciting route we are taking. Having been on a budget airline we are now in the midst of a layover of 7 hours here at the Changi airport of Singapore and we have practically spent more than 4 hours of it praying, worshipping, and eating lots of sandwiches. The real adventure has yet to begin and I already feel that I've eaten too much already.

But in all seriousness this is truly the opportune time for China to be open to the light of the gospel of the glory of Messiah and it is truly my privilege along with the rest of the team to not only bear witness to it being revealed but also to perhaps play a part in it. As we bring harp worship once again into Hainan surely strongholds and ancient landmarks will be uprooted and torn down because now light is coming to China. I am feeling quite excited in the spirit because I personally can feel the great work of Yahweh is about to be accomplished for Hainan and her people there.

Having even heard of our family, brothers and sisters in Messiah even joining together with us in prayer back at Malaysia I know within myself that this trip though it has merely begun shall yield fruit aplenty. Back at home we have heard word that our brothers and sisters are praying and destroying the works of the devil together and surely together with all our prayers it shall pave the way for the King of kings to come to Hainan and reveal His glory amongst the people there. Such is the magnitude of prayers that I truly am excited to see the fruit of its labour manifest during our tenure in China for the next few days. The time is soon here for us to board our flight to Hainan and already I am in great expectancy as to what the Lord Yeshua shall accomplish not just in China as we have prayed abundantly but also here in Singapore it shall affect.

It's a spiritual excitement.

-Monday, 30th July 2018, 2 years 10 months 23 days, 0526

And we have arrived. Well, technically we arrived and touched down at around 10.45am in the morning and waited for the rest of our luggages and Pastor Jean and her company to arrive together. You know, we have been quite fervent in our prayers because as we found out Pastor Jean is carrying smelly illegals, durians; into the airport and we are hard pressed to find a way to get it out of customs. No sooner than that that we also realized that sister Praise forgot to label and tag the harps meaning that we too will be hard pressed to explain what exactly is contained in these boxes and what we intend to do with so many harps giving that we're simply on a "sight seeing" trip. And so, with the best solution before us, we committed it all into the hands of the Lord Yeshua to take over. And He has.

Firstly speaking, it was quite a conundrum to explain why exactly six young people were just loitering around the immigration site for no apparent reason for two hours but because we prayed, confusion came into the camps of the enemy. Not to say that they were our enemies but simply we saw that the spiritual enemy of ours intends to hinder and stand in our way. Because of the power of united prayer, the officers were quite confounded with our explanations themselves and gave up on trying to make us leave the premise. A great miracle occurred too during our customs check in. As Jessica and Xin En went first before the rest of us, they put their belongings through the X-ray machine to be checked. Lo and behold, something was found in their luggages, food; particularly an apple. There was but a single officer manning the entirety of the system checking and so when he went to inspect and confiscate the apple from their bags, many of us took that opportune moment when no one was saying anything to just push everything through the machine and scamper off.

So, because of just a single apple giving its life per se as a living sacrifice, we managed to trolley and rush through customs not just the harps but also the durians which Pastor Jean intended to bless the Chinese with. Pastor Jean pushed her baggage through with a large group of Singaporean golfers and because of that they didn't even bother to check her luggage for the durians even though there was such a prevalent smell of it in the air. Personally, it's a miracle with a bit of a flair. Truly awesome and it just invigorates me as to how Yahweh will begin to move mightily amongst the Hainanese here. Praise Yahweh.

We had our dinner and now we are having a brief respite before heading off to the venue to prepare for tonight's beginning of the seminar. I thought I had grasp just how much the Chinese people enjoy food but apparently I had not estimated enough. Our first lunch here and it was already a banquet, more than I could finish myself. Not to say I didn't enjoy it, it's just that there was so much. I finish one dish, three more come. I finish my rice, two mountain sized plates arrive. I finish my tea, orange juice makes its appearance. Truly, overflowing abundance. The city of coconuts, Haikou is.


The first night's worship was truly awesome and now I am just quickly updating as Pastor Jean preaches to a congregation of 200 and more with Pastor Phaik Kiang interpreting for her. I am reminded again and again that the effective and fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much, how much the more then when a righteous people; not of their own righteousness but having become the righteousness of Elohim in Messiah Yeshua, make effective, united, and continuing fervent prayer for the complete taking over by the Holy Spirit for the entirety of this trip. Praise Yahweh. The night continues on and since this is just like another seminar, it will probably end on the midnight hour and more. Praise Yahweh.


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