Friday, 16 November 2018

1 Corinthians 5:7

Sometimes I find it really surprising just how much as Yahweh had revealed to me He performs in the hereafter and sometimes immediately. This is not just a one off occurrence but almost every time He speaks to me concerning something or rather I am most often times seemingly caught off guard at the way He performs and fulfills His Word. I mean, yes He spoke to me thus but I guess my mind still has to be renewed yet more concerning the way and the speed that He does things.

Most recently, in fact you could say from the beginning of this month I've been receiving from the Holy Spirit the word that He will soon begin to mould and to break me once more. Now, this is something I truly welcome because inasmuch as He has blessed me bountifully and abundantly with so much He has now in turned caused me to go into the depths of His waterfall once more. We can never truly receive our blessings fully unless we embrace the valleys in our walk with the Messiah as much as the high hills. And now, He has shown to me that once more He shall shake me and break the power of my pride. And as I write this I testify to the fact that He has and has done so effectively.

Having made quite the many errors in my judgement as of recently I've been relieved of many duties in Glory Place in the hopes that I would seek Yahweh for His guidance and in truth He has done this and so I rejoice. Though these are my mistakes, in His mercy He turned it into something that I can embrace and go forth into. And praise Yahweh that in the midst of my own mistakes He has once again proven faithful and true to me even though I was not towards Him. He has granted me rest, even a rest from many of my duties and that was something that I was longing for for quite a while actually. Not to say that my responsibilities burdened me but that there was this feeling that it was time for something new though I didn't know what it was until now.

And now, even after taking a hiatus of sorts for a while there's something new that has come upon me. As I briefly glanced into the mirror one time I noticed that though I looked the same, it was as though there was something new blooming forth altogether in the spirit. And what's more I've noticed that now a greater anointing has been bestowed upon me. For what it is I do not know but there is once again this sense that as I once more enter into the quiet place and laying aside all my cares, duties, and responsibilities I found that there is a blessing awaiting me in Yeshua.

You know, through all this I've realised that I lost track of my own age. I've actually forgotten that I'm just 22. I mean, I've been taken in responsibilities, roles, and duties that are beyond my age and perhaps because of that I had unconsciously reckoned myself of older age. But when I stumbled then did I realise that I was just 22 years old and not just me I realise but some others as well. This was a needful awakening as once more Elohim causes me to see that of all that I have been blessed and graced to attain to in Messiah I have only touched the surface of a deep pool. There's a long journey awaiting me still and in that I take my comfort that of all that I've experienced, these are surely the foreshadowing of greater and fuller things made manifest in Messiah Yeshua by the Holy Spirit in and through me to others all around. Praise Yahweh.

-Saturday, 17th November 2018, 3 years 2 months 10 days, 1528

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