Wednesday 26 December 2018

Bible Reading

The Bible Reading is going on and I am thoroughly enjoying myself in it. Just sitting in the sanctuary for almost 24/7 for the past two days has truly allowed me not just to catch up with the reading of the Word of Elohim but also to continuously devour and chew the Word to its fullest capabilities.

I don't plan to make this a long post but I just want to say that the spiritual atmosphere here really allows for so much reading and digesting of the living Word of Elohim. Time just passes by like it was nothing and as soon as I knew it we are already encroaching upon the third day already of this Bible Reading marathon. I really am just enjoying myself during this time. I can really just soak in the atmosphere all day and be in no want. In fact I would hardly feel hungry unless approaching the midnight hour for the entire day, I'm being fed from the spiritual food of the Word. Praise Elohim.

Spiritually speaking this is truly a significant thing which I sore needed once again. To just soak myself in the presence of Yahweh and allow Him to build up for His next manifestation in and through me. For that once more I am thankful that everything truly does work together for good to them that love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

By the way, we're in Ezra now...

-Wednesday, 26th December 2018, 3 years 3 months 19 days, 2209

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