Monday, 10 December 2018

How to Pronounce?; Continuation

The hotel where we're staying at is the same venue for the seminar which will host over 1000 pastors, leaders, and elders from all across Ca Mau and Vietnam together. And praise Yahweh that He has opened the way for us to have harp worship with all of them this day and the next. But of course that time is to come, first breakfast.

Before breakfast I would like to say that the hotel is extravagantly decorated. I mean the lobby itself is full of bombastic chandeliers and chairs the kind you would see a recently married couple would be sitting on during their dinner reception. For one I think it's pretty interesting to see chairs fit for kings all over the place and then again for such a small hotel is this sort of furniture really all that needed? I feel like there's a hit and miss somewhere or other.

The food is good, well as expected of hotel food but the Vietnamese really do know their coffees. It's really packed and good. Kaw kaw as my brother Jefrin would call it. Soon enough it's time to meet up with Pastor Phaik Kiang and the girls to pray, worship for a bit, and prepare for our main session worship in the seminar during the afternoon.

-Tuesday, 11th December 2018, 3 years 3 months 4 days, 0835

We started late and ended early but nonetheless we had a powerful half and hour of harp worship together with the Vietnamese pastors and leaders. The place is crowded and very very hot here. Humid would be the right word since there's not a fan in sight but there's over a thousand people crammed into a small hall. And the way to walk through is very narrow so much so I had quite the obstacle in front of me to transport the harp back to the room. As soon as our worship is over then an American pastor took over to minister and share the Word. Houston (whether that is where he is from or his name I do not know, I don't read Vietnamese) is sharing about the demonstration of the Spirit and of power and he began to minister, to release power and to prophesy.

He began to share to the pastors and leaders here that your congregation wants to hear the Word of Yahweh from the mouth of His servants the prophets and he is teaching on how to hear and know what voice and what prompting is the voice of Yahweh. He also shared that the power of Elohim is always present and always moving everywhere but it is that we people do not move together with Elohim when He moves. He taught how to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel for the move, voice, and prompting of Yahweh and demonstrated it with a few of the Vietnamese in the presence of us all. Hmmm, interesting. Quite interesting.

I just found out that his name is Brent Douglas. Never heard of him before until now.


My ice is a fish, my drink has ice and it's the shape of a freaking fish. Amazinggggg!

Also, we took a stroll around in the even time to the shops and stalls surrounding the hotel since in the night we have no worship schedule or whatsoever and the other fact that we can't understand Vietnamese. We went to a nearby stall to have some fried cakes and Vietnamese coffee. I've said it before I'll say it again, the Vietnamese really do know their coffees. But I think the roadside coffees trump those brewing in hotels. They are just that good. Really kaw.


This hotel small it may be but it is like a labyrinth. Corners which go here and there until I myself have gotten lost trying to find the lift upwards. And when I do arrive up at the floor where the seminar is being held, the first sound that greeted me was really really loud music in Vietnamese. We weren't as loud as this when we worshipped but this is ear splitting loud and I'm standing all the way at the back here with Pastor Phaik Kiang and the girls Joey and Melissa. Really, the sound travels.


We took our leave as the worship ends since the sharing will be in Vietnamese and instead went to our room and worshipped together on the harp. Not surprisingly, Pastor Phaik Kiang came in a while later and thus declared that the sharing was over (we began to worship at 8.00pm and she came in at 8.45pm). We really want to praise Yahweh for the work He is doing here in Vietnam. Though we had merely worshipped for less than half an hour or so many people especially the pastors and leaders could immediately sense the presence of Yahweh move from the first song onwards and the whole hall was filled with the sound of Vietnamese worshipping together with us. Over a thousand strong choir to sing together with us despite them hearing the songs for the first time, many experienced breakthroughs. One such person said that he had returned to his room to rest because he was tired but as soon as he heard the harp worship (they really amped us up quite loud) he felt the presence of Yahweh enter his room and pulled him to the hall to worship and immediately he was refreshed.

We also met many old friends and new ones, particularly those who have either attended our seminars before or even served in Semarak for a while back before many of us arrived; the first generation. Praise Yahweh that the great testimony was that everyone who had attended Semarak before when they came to Malaysia went back to Vietnam on fire and fervent for the Lord Yeshua until this day and many have become pastors of churches and leaders of prayer houses. Praise Yahweh for that.


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