Monday, 3 December 2018

Season to Remember

It really is quite baffling how fast the time is flying right now. One moment ago it was just the beginning of 2018 and now here we are at the last 4 weeks of this year 2018. Truly Yahweh is hastening His work on earth and cutting it short in righteousness and to usher the second coming of our Lord Yeshua Messiah.

This year has been a great year, having had many highs and lows but nonetheless I see that I am still on the journey upward and having the upward call I am made all the more sure of my calling to serve Him. This is the time as I believe now to remember the marvellous things which the Lord Yeshua has wrought in each and every one of us. That as we end this year, I personally would want to have something to give thanks to Yahweh for and most assuredly He has blessed me so much that I am left with innumerable blessings and gifts from Him.

And not only that but throughout this year He has made His Word become even more manifest and real to me in my walk with Him. Every word, every sentence, every phrase and promise spoken in the Word has one way or another been made flesh in my life and for such a reason as this would I not give thanks? Many people search the Scriptures thinking that they have life within but the Word testifies of the true life which came into the world through the manifesting of the Word. The Lord Yeshua is the Living Word of Elohim and the Scriptures testify of Him and that in Him is spirit and life and praise Him that that was what I have found and am living in even now by His grace and mercy.

I came to realise that to live in the Spirit is simple because it only requires faith for Elohim to truly begin to lead, mould, direct our lives into His will. Faith is to give complete trust in Him leaving no backup plan or second choice. And He honours such faith. With the same faith we are assured of our salvation, with which we believe in Him that He heals us, the same faith it is needed to live in and walk in the Spirit. Not because of what we can do, else that would not be faith but because He is sovereign and that He is able to do all things.

And so, I have seen that my life, my road though sometimes filled with potholes have all led to the will and purpose of Yahweh once again. Not because I charted the course but because He has led me. Praise Yahweh for His Holy Spirit Who teaches all things and brings unto our remembrance all things that the Messiah has spoken to us. And I am glad that what He has told me of long ago and promised to me He is bringing and has brought to pass. But all these blessings are merely secondary to the greatest blessing of all of drawing even nearer, deeper and more intimate together with my Lord. He is my Elohim and I am His son. Truly, when one walks closely with Yahweh He makes even my enemies or in my case, my situations to be at peace and working together for my good according to His purpose. Such is His great love for me to which I am truly humbled to experience time and time again.

It has never crossed my mind even once and I do not believe that it shall ever that I even ponder of returning back from whence I came; it is the single greatest decision of my life to give my life to serve the living Elohim. He never failed and remains faithful to this day. I am greatly satisfied with the fullness of His house and of His holy temple.

-Monday, 3rd December 2018, 3 years 2 months 26 days, 2245

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