Thursday, 6 June 2019

Birthday in Life and Death

My birthday was eventful to say the least. So many things have happened in the last few days that I had to take time to collect my thoughts and to ruminate on what exactly the Lord Yeshua is showing me in these last few days. One of the aunties whom I know, her husband passed away right after he told his family and church elders that he wants to seek Yahweh for healing and not turn back to man for help. I wasn't there when it happened but from what I hear from eyewitness accounts there was a lot of crying and a lot of chaos involved. Due to the lack of personnel in the Glory Place everyone was called together to worship and to pray for resurrection but it was a big mess. From what I've heard the harpists were each playing their own songs, one of them was even singing such a joyous song in times like these whereas the immediate family was crying and wailing like nobody's business. Everyone who entered the old sanctuary also begin to cry as they didn't know what to do and needless to say it was controlled chaos at its finest. I however during that time was in my room soundly asleep as though there was nothing that could wake me. I didn't wake up until the commotion was nearly at its end. But when I went near I immediately knew what it was all about.

This all happened on the day of my birthday but praise Yahweh that just before the day came as I was celebrating with my family back at home I suddenly felt that the Holy Spirit was prompting me something. It was just a few more minutes before midnight but I suddenly felt as though I had to fast and prepare myself for what is going to happen tomorrow. I suddenly felt the love and immense favour of the Lord upon my life so much so that I had to just give thanks to Him for bringing me all the way to this point in time safe and sound together with my family. I even teared up a little as I was praying but thankfully no one noticed except the Lord of course. Never had I known what He was preparing me for until just recently.

So even now the wake service has been undertaken and is on its way. But even the things leading up to it were all messy and such. I who am not involved with the scheduling of the transport (I didn't even know what time the van was leaving to go to the wake) was continuously called and barraged with messages from people asking me to help them schedule to go to the wake together. People were messaging me telling me one thing but the next moment they changed their minds, and again they changed their minds. I was infuriated, nearly on the verge of giving my mind to whoever would call or message me next but praises to Elohim that no one did call after that to the salvation of both they and myself, praise Yahweh. But even then I was still sore the whole day.

After having just been put onto worship I found my release in ministering to the Lord Yeshua as always. For that I truly am grateful that because I am serving Him day and night I will always have the chance to worship Him whenever, wherever and find my breakthrough from Him. All glory to Elohim for the things He has done. You know, I was actually a bit peeved that almost everyone had gone for the wake service and left so few of us back to man the fort but I see that the Holy Spirit really took us over we who remained here. The work though varying and many were done efficiently and without much effort on our part and everything was able to be done mayhaps at an even more brisk pace than usual. But more so I am concerned now for the people who all went for the wake service, they left at 4.00pm in the evening and even at the stroke of midnight they have yet to return. If anything, and though this is merely speculation on my part they have the more arduous tasks to fulfil. Oof. Anyways all I can say for myself is that the Lord Yeshua has truly been favourable towards someone like me. In all things He has caused it to work together for good to them who love Him, to them who are the called according to His purpose. You know, I once asked myself what does it mean to walk in the Spirit and I've found that the answer is simple. The walk in the Spirit is the walk of faith in the Lord Yeshua that He will work everything together for His good and His purpose to be done, on our part we just have to walk believing and thus it has been so with my life thus far. He has sustained, provided, healed, delivered, saved, set apart, called, and even blessed someone such as I to the extent that I know I truly am most blessed forever. Made exceedingly glad in His presence. Praise Yahweh.

-Friday, 7th June 2019, 3 years 9 months, 0025

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