Thursday, 8 August 2019

Great Change Ahead

We are now already in the month of August. How fast the time is flying by and rightly it should because as it says we are looking forward to and hastening the coming of the Lord Yeshua's return. And even as it has already been almost 4 years here serving Yahweh in Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia I look back and I remember all the wonderful things which Elohim had done for me throughout my time here thus far. I remember His grace, His mercy, His compassion towards someone like me, how He has loaded me with so much even though many a times I have often returned to Him so little. Even when I was going astray in my walk with Him He has led me back and dare I say even fuller than when we first began. How great and awesome He is to the children of men.

I also duly noted how He is doing such a great transformation work in my life. I find that my life and my lifestyle are slowly changing for the better bit by bit. For example, I mentioned prior to this that I had begun to enjoy vegetables. Such a thing truly would have never crossed my mind in all my years but Yahweh is wonderful. More so I find that now even during my day offs I would rather be in Glory Place more than other places because the presence of Yahweh is prevalent here. In fact, I have become drawn to attend the night worship sessions every Tuesday as well even though it is my day off, I would still rather worship together and minister to Yahweh. And perhaps even more would be that now I am frequently joining my brothers and sisters here for dinner almost everyday. Usually what I would do would be to rest during dinnertime to prepare for the night sessions and have my dinner/supper right after the meeting was over. But now I am again drawn to just spend dinner here in this place with the people and still I am able to find the rest that I need for the night ahead. In fact, Glory Place has become even more homely and comfortable to me than even my own home! Go figure. Truly, Elohim gives what is good indeed.

This is nothing but the work of the Lord Yeshua in my life. As I believe He is drawing me nearer and nearer to Himself as the days go by and I truly am thankful for that. Because I know that no matter how much good I do, how much I am able to do and be, it pales in comparison to simply being with Him where He is. To have His desire fulfilled in my life and to see that He is the One accomplishing it in and through me is humbling indeed. To know that it is nothing of me but everything of Yeshua Messiah in me that I am able to enjoy the life of serving Him and the blessings upon blessings that comes with it. But that is not the end of it all, now is the time that judgement is beginning in the house of Yahweh. Things are beginning to shake like never before and those things which are not holding fast unto the Head of all things which is Messiah will be shaken clean and clear off. But in His mercy, He will recall those whose hearts are still loyal to Him at the end of it all.

Now is the time that heaven and earth will not be exempt from the shakings. Now is the time that Yahweh is beginning to move mightily across the nations and the lives of her people. Now is the time inasmuch as we have received so much from Yahweh that we must continue to persevere and continue to press forward not for greater things per se but to attain to the high calling He has placed in all our lives. Now is the time where He will now make known His ways to His sons and daughters and a clear distinction between those who serve Him and those who don't or merely pretense from the heart. Praise Yahweh.

-Friday, 9th August 2019, 3 years 11 months 2 days, 1117

1 comment:

  1. It's good that you are having dinner together with them. That's the right way.
    Also I am glad that you are beginning to be honest about your heart condition that is to be true.
    I agree that the shaking will begin with the house of the Lord so begin to check your heart.
