Friday 15 November 2019


I really haven't been writing for a while now. Perhaps at this moment there is nothing to report. Maybe I'll keep it short and simple with just a mere update that now the days are rolling by at a brisk pace. We are nearing the end of 2019 already and it feels a though this year has passed by in a blink of an eye and is only getting faster as time progresses further. The Lord Yeshua is surely coming and we cannot but prepare for the arrival of our long awaited Master after all these times. Now is merely the season for quiet preparations of the heart and mind, even of the body as well for the things that will shortly take place. I know not what they are, but they are from Elohim so surely there must be a change. Whenever one comes face to face with the Almighty Elohim change must happen one way or another. End of update. 

-Friday, 15th November 2019, 4 years 2 months 8 days, 2213

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