Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Great And Awesome Elohim

Things are becoming more and more interesting now. As the advance closes in on us in but a matter of days we give thanks to Yahweh that all of the work that needs to be done are being and has been done not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of Yahweh. And I do mean everything. Everything that was missing and lacking and not yet fully perfected was able to be done efficiently, and fully by the brothers and sisters of Glory Place. Of course, it helped greatly that Hong Kong and China willingly offered to share the burden with us, but I am still so amazed at the great working of the Holy Spirit. 

We had so much to do in so little time and yet miraculous for I know not a better word, it was done. I can testify to that fact because the garden itself there were many areas left that needed to be beautified and ready for the advance but due to lack of manpower we were not able to accomplish. But what things with man may seem impossible, with Elohim all things are possible and He has proven thus His Word infallible. 

I am really, really so thankful that we as the people of Yahweh can fall back into His everlasting arms and He will lift us up on wings like eagles. Everything worked out for good, everything. Even what may have seemed ill intended turned for the better. And that deserves giving glory to Yeshua. Only we as the people of Elohim have a refuge from the storm and shade from the heat. Only we have the Most High as our dwelling place. And only we can look to Him to answer us in our times of need, trouble, and distress. Praise Yeshua for that. 

Breakthrough has begun and surely it will mount up to something spectacular during this advance, I am thoroughly excited for that... 

-Tuesday, 21st January 2020, 4 years 4 months 14 days, 1828

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