Friday, 7 February 2020


Well, it's been a really long time since I had last written something but mainly it is because the duties of transporting the people back to the airport to go home falls squarely on me and a few other drivers each day so day in and day out I've been needed to ferry people to and from the airport throughout this prayer advance. 

Where to begin? This prayer advance has truly been special, one of its kind unlike any other seen before it. The worship was powerful and awesome, to me it felt like we could have kept worshipping the whole 10 days and we wouldn't have minded it one bit. Oddly enough this prayer advance I've had the least responsibilities given to me and with what has been given my brothers and sisters have been kind to lend a helping hand whenever and wherever they can. So my duties however little were cut down even more because of the much help from the many, and not just from our staff and helpers but even the participants themselves I find in this prayer advance were so willing to help with almost anything. Especially during the dining when it came time to clean up almost everyone pitched in to help, particularly the nations China and Hong Kong, kudos to them. So for me this prayer advance has been fruitful because I needn't have to busy myself unnecessarily but I could soak myself in the presence of Yahweh more and more as the days went by. Praise Yahweh for that. 

But for me the main highlight if I could even say that, was when I came under intense spiritual warfare on one particular day. On the last Friday of the advance I suddenly experienced immense pain throughout my entire body. It began somewhere right after midnight and it was just an irritable swelling and pain of the stomach. I thought I must have eaten something funny but then the pain spread to my entire body to that put the thought to bunk. The pain was prevalent every time I moved so the more I moved around the more the pain intensified. So you can imagine when the pain came initially and I bent over because of it, instead of alleviating it it doubled and more. It was like that for almost the entire day, so much so I could only get a few hours of rest in every time before I was awakened by the sudden pain. It didn't end there though because I also felt cold, extremely cold. I mean I was standing in direct sunlight and I was still shivering! It was then I realised I was confronting the spirit of death so I had to take up my authority given to me by the Lord Yeshua and drive out this demonic spirit from me. I did it again and again until the night. It was only after Pastor Jean prayed for me that the pain became bearable once again and I managed to rest for a bit after that. But during the Friday overnight I received my breakthrough. I had thought that I wanted to go and rest early but I felt that I had to stay and receive my breakthrough so I joined the overnight. And praise Yahweh after the stroke of midnight all the pain and coldness suddenly left me all at once. It felt like a mountain heavy weight just suddenly lifted up off of me all at once and I could breathe again. You've never truly appreciated every breath you can take until you experience the lack of it and I really praised Yahweh for delivering me once again. As soon as the call for testimony came I made it a point to be first to give glory to the Lord Yeshua for His great deliverance upon me. Thank you Lord, and thank you to all the brothers and sisters who stood by me in prayers throughout this ordeal of mine. It wasn't many because it happened so suddenly and ended as abruptly as it begin, all in the expanse of one day. But the ones closest to me saw what was happening and I thank Yahweh for them, that they were there when it counted the most. 

So now I am freely able to write again because the transporting work has slowed down albeit there are still more people to ferry back though. But now as we all wind down from this prayer advance I truly do see the glory of Yahweh filling His temple, us. And I am expectant of the yet greater things He will accomplish in His due time in the days to come. Praise Yahweh. 

-Saturday, 8 February 2020, 4 years 5 months 1 day, 1310

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