Friday, 28 February 2020

Pivotal Moment

A new season is here. Now with what our nation's going through with all its political shakings and upheavals now is the time that Yahweh is calling for His people to not look at all these things but at Him, at the Lord Yeshua. The results are irrelevant because regardless of what may or may not be the Lord still sits enthroned at the flood and sits as King forever. 

Psa 29:10-11 YAHWEH sitteth upon the flood; yea, YAHWEH sitteth King for ever. YAHWEH will give strength unto His people; YAHWEH will bless His people with peace.

This is the moment we have been waiting for, this is the time where a stand must be taken in favour of Elohim. And now is the time that we as His people everywhere rise up to the call of prayer and worship. In these situations where all anybody can ever talk about is politics, now Yahweh wants His people to speak His Word. This is truly the time of shakings and it is kairos now that the Lord Yeshua will establish His kingdom here in the midst of Malaysia so that His glory may be manifested. But personally this is the time of testing for His people, whether they will stand with Him or not. We are nearing the cut off time where He will truly make a distinction between those who serve Him and who do not. 

Mal 3:16-18 Then they that feared YAHWEH spake often one to another: and YAHWEH hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared YAHWEH, and that thought upon His name. And they shall be Mine, saith YAHWEH of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth Elohim and him that serveth Him not.

This is now a pivotal moment, a shifting of powers and the changing of the seasons. And now we are here at the precipice where we have to make a choice, take a stand and obviously we as the people of Elohim ought to side with Him. No one can save, deliver, and rescue like He can and He will act for the ones who wait for Him. 

Isa 64:4 For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O Elohim, beside Thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him. 

-Saturday, 29th February 2020, 4 years 5 months 22 days, 1404

Friday, 21 February 2020

Great Peace

And with this the Seniors Camp has ended and how marvellous it was. Honestly speaking I didn't know what to expect but when the time had come it was exceedingly and abundantly beyond my expectations. It was truly awesome. Although I was only able to join the sessions in the night because I was on duty for the sound system it was still very fruitful and very amazing. I had entered the first few sessions thinking that after a long day's work I could just find a cozy place to lie down and rest for a while in the presence of Yahweh because the worship of the seniors is just like a gentle brook, very sweet and gentle. So I thought I could just shut my eyes for a while and relax but would you have it I was immediately refreshed upon entering the sanctuary every single time. It just goes to show that the Holy Spirit don't need musically inclined people to move, all He needs are those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth and He will take care of the rest. 

Throughout this particular camp the main theme had been repentance and warfare, forgiveness and the breaking of curses and the past. And it was truly fruitful. I remember during one of the days while I was up on a hill overlooking the whole of Glory Place because of work. As I sat there at the brow of the hill I was immediately hit with the presence of Yahweh that was flowing from the sanctuary. I felt immense peace and comfort in the Spirit and I could feel it all stemming from the sanctuary where the seniors were and it wasn't just me, the guys that I was with working together felt that all the same measure as well. Praise Yahweh. 

The Lord Yeshua is truly doing a marvellous work in the midst of us and only those who truly cannot see will not acknowledge the work of Yahweh upon the seniors' lives. In fact, as we the young people heard the testimonies of the seniors for this camp I don't know about the rest of them but Joshua and I both felt that we were being greatly strengthened by it all. As they were sharing their testimonies on what the Lord Yeshua was working in them through this camp I felt greatly assured and strengthened in the Lord. Like not just the young people alone but now the seniors together, our fires have been kindled and we have been knitted together even more than ever before. It was a truly indescribable moment, one that I will truly always remember. 

Of all seminars and camps that I have had the privilege of joining and witnessing, this is by far the most powerful of them all. Not because they was no surge of the presence of Yahweh but because Yahweh has brought us all together as one. Sure, there will always be a few discrepancies here and there but because of this camp, truly nothing will ever be the same again. I greatly enjoyed this camp and look forward with much eagerness for the many more to come. 

Revival has begun, and it begins in the house of Yahweh not as a bang, but as the revival of many lives and spirits. Praise Yahweh for that. Praise Yahweh for this camp, and praise Yahweh for the greater things He has prepared for them that love Him. 

-Saturday, 22nd February 2020, 4 years 5 months 15 days, 1511

Monday, 17 February 2020

Seniors Camp 2020, First of Many

The Seniors Camp is officially under way now and to me it looks like this camp will be a camp that's really refreshing to the spirit, soul, mind, and body. What I mean is that now that all of the seniors, uncles, and aunties have been relieved of duties and responsibilities just to soak in the presence of Yahweh for a week it is left up to the young people to sort out the majority of the maintenance and upkeep of the place. The change of guard has come but with it I found that it brings new enlightenment as well. 

The seniors now beginning to understand that there is more to it than just singing songs on stage, worshipping counts more than the number and length of songs one worships with. It is all about the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit for each and every session. Whereas we the young people are beginning to understand just how many hoops the older ones had to jump through and the background work going on behind the scenes. I knew that they were doing a lot but it didn't really cross my mind of just how much was "a lot" until now. It gives me new and profound grace and appreciation for the things the older ones are doing and the sacrifices that they have made for us to be able to just sit in the sanctuary all day and soak ourselves in the presence of Yahweh all the time. Truly, it feels my heart with new thanksgiving for each and every one of them, invaluable is what they are. 

My duties have increased exponentially, so much so that between hours of work I can work in an average of 4 hours of at the most before I'm off again. I was concerned that the surmounting lack of sleep would be a problem but already on the first night itself the Lord Yeshua has shown me all these things are not my concern, they are His for Him to work out for me. All I need to do is to remain focused on Him. And He has more than provided for me as I can testify. 

It really is exciting, if I can say there is a contrast to the flow of the Holy Spirit during the young people's worship and the seniors'. If ours could be said to be electrifying, theirs was a calm invigorating presence of Yahweh that is being released. The young people when we worship is charged up and exciting whereas the seniors they take their time slowly and release a calm, mediating presence of Yahweh. Two sides of the same coin really, from the throne of Yahweh proceeds both rivers of fire and rivers of water of life. In fact, you could almost say refreshing like how a cold drink at high noon would be refreshing. 

I truly look forward to the days ahead though filled with much to do, there is great expectation in the air and I can only pray that the young people are finding this time as exciting as I am right now. Hallelujah. 

-Monday, 17th February 2020, 4 years 5 months 10 days, 2025

Friday, 7 February 2020


Well, it's been a really long time since I had last written something but mainly it is because the duties of transporting the people back to the airport to go home falls squarely on me and a few other drivers each day so day in and day out I've been needed to ferry people to and from the airport throughout this prayer advance. 

Where to begin? This prayer advance has truly been special, one of its kind unlike any other seen before it. The worship was powerful and awesome, to me it felt like we could have kept worshipping the whole 10 days and we wouldn't have minded it one bit. Oddly enough this prayer advance I've had the least responsibilities given to me and with what has been given my brothers and sisters have been kind to lend a helping hand whenever and wherever they can. So my duties however little were cut down even more because of the much help from the many, and not just from our staff and helpers but even the participants themselves I find in this prayer advance were so willing to help with almost anything. Especially during the dining when it came time to clean up almost everyone pitched in to help, particularly the nations China and Hong Kong, kudos to them. So for me this prayer advance has been fruitful because I needn't have to busy myself unnecessarily but I could soak myself in the presence of Yahweh more and more as the days went by. Praise Yahweh for that. 

But for me the main highlight if I could even say that, was when I came under intense spiritual warfare on one particular day. On the last Friday of the advance I suddenly experienced immense pain throughout my entire body. It began somewhere right after midnight and it was just an irritable swelling and pain of the stomach. I thought I must have eaten something funny but then the pain spread to my entire body to that put the thought to bunk. The pain was prevalent every time I moved so the more I moved around the more the pain intensified. So you can imagine when the pain came initially and I bent over because of it, instead of alleviating it it doubled and more. It was like that for almost the entire day, so much so I could only get a few hours of rest in every time before I was awakened by the sudden pain. It didn't end there though because I also felt cold, extremely cold. I mean I was standing in direct sunlight and I was still shivering! It was then I realised I was confronting the spirit of death so I had to take up my authority given to me by the Lord Yeshua and drive out this demonic spirit from me. I did it again and again until the night. It was only after Pastor Jean prayed for me that the pain became bearable once again and I managed to rest for a bit after that. But during the Friday overnight I received my breakthrough. I had thought that I wanted to go and rest early but I felt that I had to stay and receive my breakthrough so I joined the overnight. And praise Yahweh after the stroke of midnight all the pain and coldness suddenly left me all at once. It felt like a mountain heavy weight just suddenly lifted up off of me all at once and I could breathe again. You've never truly appreciated every breath you can take until you experience the lack of it and I really praised Yahweh for delivering me once again. As soon as the call for testimony came I made it a point to be first to give glory to the Lord Yeshua for His great deliverance upon me. Thank you Lord, and thank you to all the brothers and sisters who stood by me in prayers throughout this ordeal of mine. It wasn't many because it happened so suddenly and ended as abruptly as it begin, all in the expanse of one day. But the ones closest to me saw what was happening and I thank Yahweh for them, that they were there when it counted the most. 

So now I am freely able to write again because the transporting work has slowed down albeit there are still more people to ferry back though. But now as we all wind down from this prayer advance I truly do see the glory of Yahweh filling His temple, us. And I am expectant of the yet greater things He will accomplish in His due time in the days to come. Praise Yahweh. 

-Saturday, 8 February 2020, 4 years 5 months 1 day, 1310