Sunday 19 April 2020

In Remembrance of Him

There's nothing to really take note of at this current moment in time other than of course the imminent sensation that our Lord Yeshua has not left me but rather it has intensified even more so these past few days. I'm spending more and more time in the sanctuary than I had ever before and I am enjoying it to the fullest ever. I praise Elohim that He has allowed me to stay in Glory Place during the lockdown so with nowhere else to go I go upwards towards the throne of Yeshua in the heavenly places. Such is my right, my privilege, my pleasure. 

As we draw near to the halfway point of the year 2020 I look back and see that it truly has been a very quick paced 4 months already. How fast the time is flying and I believe it will only get faster and faster as the day of His return approaches more and more. I am truly blessed to be able to spend my days in the house of Yahweh serving and worshipping Him. People everywhere are stuck in their homes for the duration of nearly 6 weeks already but I am privileged to use such times to seek Yahweh and to soak in His presence more and more. 

I believe as well that the days are coming when we can no longer enjoy such times like this but that doesn't matter. What matters is what we do with the time in our hands now at this present moment. Because the days will most certainly come that we will desire the Word of Yahweh but will not find it, His presence but He will be in the secret place. Now is the time to get connected to Him and to be of one spirit together with Him so when troubling times arrive we will not be shaken neither perturbed. With that said, I am so glad I'm here in this place able to seek Yahweh indefinitely. Such liberty has been gifted to me so it is right I use it to the fullest measure possible. Hallelujah, onwards! 

-Monday, 20th April 2020, 4 years 7 months 13 days, 0224

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