Monday, 25 May 2020

Cleansing The Temple

The Cleansing The Temple seminar is over but honestly it feels like an everyday, ordinary day to me. What I mean is that as soon as the seminar is over there was no rush for people to go back home or to the airport, no huge clean up to do, no extra work to finalise and to complete but we just had dinner, rested for a while and continued with the regular night meetings. It was simply like every other day and that truly amazes me. It's come a long way already that now even sitting in from 9.00am until 5.00pm and then from 8.00pm until midnight or so becomes no more a hassle or a chore but a longing and a delight to look forward to. 

I truly am amazed at what Yahweh is doing in the midst of us that we are able to day and night soak in His presence and allow Him to change and transform us into the image and likeness of His Son, Yeshua Messiah. This seminar has truly been enjoyable for me because I hardly had any work at all, the most that I had to was to man the laptop and the projector besides the usual times to worship. Other than that, day in and day out I can sit here in the sanctuary and just immerse myself with the Word of Elohim as it's being shared by Pastor Jean and the young people. It was so much fun. 

Really, thinking back on all these times I can see the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in my life. I remember the times where I would get so bored and tired during these long hours and just dozed off again and again but now I have found such joy, contentment, and enjoyment with just sitting down for nearly half a day doing nothing but worshipping, praying, reading His Word, waiting upon Yahweh and other things as the Spirit leads us. It's so exciting. But more so I realise once again that inasmuch as I have gained so much that there is still so much more for me to receive and to learn. I have not attained to it yet, but everyday there is opportunities to tap into His presence and receive thus. 

These 5 days have really zoomed by like nobody's business, and I found myself enjoying every moment of it. Praise Yahweh, in fact the longer I stayed in the presence of Yahweh the more I felt my mind becoming loosed and relaxed and at peace with myself. No longer always thinking so much that my mind and my attention is elsewhere but I could just concentrate on the Word being shared and receive to the fullest. Hallelujah. Truly this was Cleansing The Temple. And having it during the lock down enabled me to lay aside so much work and just be in His presence. How awesome, praise Yeshua. 

-Monday, 25th May 2020, 4 years 8 months 18 days, 2238

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Seeking Yahweh

There isn't much to speak of at this moment in time. But perhaps one thing is that the times and the seasons are changing again and soon enough the changes this time around will truly be life changing. So the need right now is to seek Yahweh for His good way and allow His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us all. The coming of His Son Yeshua Messiah is very soon and every day I can sense the urgency of the times and understand the need of it to seek Yahweh and to always remain in His presence. 

Now is the time to hold our tongue and to wait and see what the Lord Yeshua shall do in but a few short days ahead. 

Isaiah 26:20-21
[20]Come, My people, enter your chambers, And shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, Until the indignation is past.

[21]For behold, YAHWEH comes out of His place To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood, And will no more cover her slain.

It is also appropriate that we are fasting in these times as well, truly the Lord Yeshua is giving every and all opportunity to return and seek Him in these last days. 

Revelation 3:20-22
[20]Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

[21]To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

[22]“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” ’ ”

-Thursday, 14th May 2020, 4 years 8 months 7 days, 0938

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Seeking Earnestly; Continuation

The MCO will soon be ending, Elohim willing; next week's Tuesday and for one I am looking forward to cutting my long hair, it's rather getting in the way during the times where I tend to the gardens of Glory Place. But beyond that there isn't much to write about other than the fact that we are drawing nearer to the halfway point of 2020 ever so quickly and when that time comes, Elohim willing; nothing will be the same ever again. 

Well, after the lockdown is over nothing will ever be the same already. The world can never go back to how it once was because of this pandemic but in the way I see it that's a good thing. For the rest of the world it will only become harder and harder and more vexing, but for the people who know their Elohim shall be strong and carry out great exploits. 

The meetings going on daily are really picking up pace with each session the presence of Yahweh just multiplies and grows exponentially. We really are on the cusp of something wonderful and it is Elohim Who has prepared it for those who love Him and long for the coming of the Lord Yeshua Messiah which is imminent. 

As for myself as I see my own birthday approaching during the halfway point of this year once again I am really seeking Yahweh for His guidance and leading in the days to come because I believe that something amazing is about to occur. What it is is anyone's speculation but regardless I truly feel the stirring to seek Him diligently for the days ahead. And such I have been doing so for the past 2 months. This lockdown was timely because it allowed me to really be still and focus my entirety on worshipping and ministering to Yeshua. The call is sounding and it is time to seek Yahweh until He comes and rains righteousness on us. Praise Yeshua. 

-Wednesday, 6th May 2020, 4 years 7 months 29 days, 1728

Well now, having written this I think that the Lord Yeshua is confirming the words of His servant. Because for this entire night now I just couldn't sleep, I tossed and turned and was so restless. I thought at first that I had slept too much today but that wasn't the case, I had only slept for a couple of hours only today and so in the night I was just awake on my bed, eyes wide open. The more I remained in my room the more restless I became, I was also struggling with Yahweh about this because I needed to wake up early tomorrow for the morning watch at 8.00am so I needed the rest but apparently not. After a while of struggling with the Lord I finally yielded and went to the sanctuary to read some Bible and wouldn't you have it the moment I entered the doors I felt the peace, the comfort, the rest, the joy of Yahweh becoming my strength. So for hours on end I remained here just silently reading and prayer in a corner of the place and amazingly I am refreshed, strengthened, energized. I'm not even remotely tired but the more I read the Word of Elohim the more awake I became, no fatigue whatsoever. Even while I was reading it became so personal to me because it was as though the Lord Himself was speaking to me directly from His Word. I felt the conviction, the revelation, the power of His Word. I truly am in awe of Him, what an Almighty Elohim I serve and minister to. 

Oddly enough as well when I think of wanting to go eat and drink something immediately the smell of that particular food or drink I'm thinking of hits me. Even as I write this I can still smell the aroma wafting around me, it's even coming from my hands somehow! Even more amazing is that just the smell alone is enough to sate my hunger and thirst so that I remain here in His presence. As I write this the sun's coming up now and I think to myself how awesome and marvellous the Lord Yeshua is, that I can find what I need when I need it all in His presence. I count it a special moment that day and night I can just come into His presence and receive from Him, such is my privilege being His own son. Praise Yahweh, hallelujah. 

-Thursday, 7th May 2020, 4 years 8 months, 0641