Monday 25 May 2020

Cleansing The Temple

The Cleansing The Temple seminar is over but honestly it feels like an everyday, ordinary day to me. What I mean is that as soon as the seminar is over there was no rush for people to go back home or to the airport, no huge clean up to do, no extra work to finalise and to complete but we just had dinner, rested for a while and continued with the regular night meetings. It was simply like every other day and that truly amazes me. It's come a long way already that now even sitting in from 9.00am until 5.00pm and then from 8.00pm until midnight or so becomes no more a hassle or a chore but a longing and a delight to look forward to. 

I truly am amazed at what Yahweh is doing in the midst of us that we are able to day and night soak in His presence and allow Him to change and transform us into the image and likeness of His Son, Yeshua Messiah. This seminar has truly been enjoyable for me because I hardly had any work at all, the most that I had to was to man the laptop and the projector besides the usual times to worship. Other than that, day in and day out I can sit here in the sanctuary and just immerse myself with the Word of Elohim as it's being shared by Pastor Jean and the young people. It was so much fun. 

Really, thinking back on all these times I can see the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in my life. I remember the times where I would get so bored and tired during these long hours and just dozed off again and again but now I have found such joy, contentment, and enjoyment with just sitting down for nearly half a day doing nothing but worshipping, praying, reading His Word, waiting upon Yahweh and other things as the Spirit leads us. It's so exciting. But more so I realise once again that inasmuch as I have gained so much that there is still so much more for me to receive and to learn. I have not attained to it yet, but everyday there is opportunities to tap into His presence and receive thus. 

These 5 days have really zoomed by like nobody's business, and I found myself enjoying every moment of it. Praise Yahweh, in fact the longer I stayed in the presence of Yahweh the more I felt my mind becoming loosed and relaxed and at peace with myself. No longer always thinking so much that my mind and my attention is elsewhere but I could just concentrate on the Word being shared and receive to the fullest. Hallelujah. Truly this was Cleansing The Temple. And having it during the lock down enabled me to lay aside so much work and just be in His presence. How awesome, praise Yeshua. 

-Monday, 25th May 2020, 4 years 8 months 18 days, 2238

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