Saturday 4 July 2020

Mount Zion

There isn't much to write other than the fact that everything is truly glorious. I cannot begin to explain or describe the exceeding joy that I am experiencing right now as I write this. As I write and remember what has transpired for the past week and prior to that such joy just wells up from within me. I am truly glad to be a son of Elohim, and to dwell in the house of Yahweh and to serve Him all the days of my life. 

Everyday the glory of Yahweh is being poured forth abundantly in such great measures and I am so blessed to be able to be here right now. In this generation, in this time and right now at this place and moment in time I can bear full witness to the confirmation and the glorious revealing of my Lord Yeshua Messiah, in me and in all of us here at Glory Place. When I remember especially the works of Yahweh that He had manifested already in my life and the great work He's doing in me I cannot help but smile and rejoice. Because I remember, as He has brought into my remembrance what He promised me when I first began my journey now He is bringing it forth and it is glorious to behold indeed. Everything and I do mean that. Our Lord Yeshua is faithful, even when many times I must confess that I have doubted or thought it was misguided. 

Because of that I am so glad and I rejoice that I can be found in His presence and that now my fruit is found in Him. 

Hosea 14:8b
[8b] I have heard and observed him. I am like a green cypress tree; Your fruit is found in Me.”

And when I read I begin to understand more and more the story of Jacob turned Israel. From a deceiver, supplanter turned Elohim contended, Wrestled with Elohim, Triumphant in Elohim. And when I read his prayers I find that I can relate to that because having started out knowing not one single thing about my Lord but being superficial about it, I now have become so intimate with Him and everyday now He is here with me. Even now.. Praise Yeshua. 

Genesis 32:10
[10] I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies.

-Saturday, 4th July 2020, 4 years 9 months 27 days, 2351

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